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Bulloch History

Bulloch History: Charles Herty

Bulloch History: Charles Herty

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making Bulloch Tid Bit's, produced by the Bulloch County Historical Society, available on Grice Connect. Herty formed the Savannah Paper and Pulp Laboratory in Savannah and by 1933 the plant developed a process for pulp conversion and newsprint was developed.
Bulloch History: Ogeechee River

Bulloch History: Ogeechee River

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect.  The Ogeechee is 294 miles long; It begins in Greene County, GA and flows into the Atlantic Ocean in Ossabaw Sound
Bulloch History: Gullah-Geechee

Bulloch History: Gullah-Geechee

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect. Slaves came from West Africa and their isolation on islands led to the formation of an identity recognized as Gullah/Geechee
Bulloch History: Bulloch County Church Cookbooks

Bulloch History: Bulloch County Church Cookbooks

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect. Bulloch County is known for its great cooks; Most main line churches have produced their very own cookbook as both a fund raiser and as a record of their members cherished dishes
Bulloch History: What does Bamboo, Henry Ford and Savannah Avenue have in Common?

Bulloch History: What does Bamboo, Henry Ford and Savannah Avenue have in Common?

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect.  I will battle invasive bamboo on my property at 315 Savannah Avenue until I die. It was planted by Dr. RJH DeLoach and Henry Ford. This was during WWI and they were experimenting with a rubber replacement. The Vagabonds, including, Ford, Thomas Edison and John Burroughs, visited Statesboro and Savannah Avenue. This is fabulous, forgotten history of our town.
Bulloch History: A Century of Progress

Bulloch History: A Century of Progress

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making Bulloch Tid Bit's, produced by the Bulloch County Historical Society, available on Grice Connect. Without a doubt my favorite publication on Statesboro is "A Century of Progress" by Leodale and GC Coleman, two brothers that owned the Bulloch Times and Herald for many years
Bulloch History: The Old Walnut Tree

Bulloch History: The Old Walnut Tree

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect.  The famous or infamous Old Walnut Tree stood on the northeast corner of the intersection of East and North Main a few feet from the Confederate Monument
Bulloch History: Duplin County Wine

Bulloch History: Duplin County Wine

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect.  Duplin County in North Carolina is known for great wine, it is also the “home” of many Bulloch County residents
Bulloch History: An 1850 Quilt

Bulloch History: An 1850 Quilt

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making the replay of the Bulloch Tid Bit's available on Grice Connect. My great, great grandmother, Frances Dumas Adams made a beautiful quilt in 1850; The quilt was buried in the chicken coop during the Civil War
Bulloch History: Tourist Homes in Statesboro

Bulloch History: Tourist Homes in Statesboro

Thanks to McCook's Pharmacy for making Bulloch Tid Bit's, produced by the Bulloch County Historical Society, available on Grice Connect. Statesboro had several Tourist Homes during the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s.