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Statesboro Bahamian Students Relief - Week 7 Update

Statesboro Bahamian Students Relief - Week 7 Update

Financial help still needed for Statesboro Bahamian students. See specific needs in this update. The Statesboro Bahamian students and hosts last met on Sunday, October 6 at the Georgia Premier Academy.
No make up days required for missed days during Hurricane Michael

No make up days required for missed days during Hurricane Michael

Superintendent of Schools Charles Wilson announced Thursday, during the Bulloch County Board of Education meeting, that he does not recommend make-up days for the three school days missed during Hurricane Michael.
Bulloch VOAD Request Urgent donations Partners Fed 6,000 in two days

Bulloch VOAD Request Urgent donations Partners Fed 6,000 in two days

Please give now by clicking here . On Sunday morning over 30 volunteers led by David Cobb and Chris Yaughn traveled to Leary, Georgia and set up the Broken Shackle Ranch mobile kitchen.
Power Outages Could Continue Through Saturday in Bulloch - Assistance Offered

Power Outages Could Continue Through Saturday in Bulloch - Assistance Offered

Bulloch Inconvenienced by Power Outages Wide spread power outages have been a challenge for power crews throughout Bulloch County today.
Power Outage Food Saftey

Power Outage Food Saftey

With over 3,000 Bulloch County residents without power, concerns about food in their refrigerator and freezers are a concern. Here is a food safety chart. Consider helping a neighbor by storing food or loaning them a generator if you have power.
Bulloch Schools Closed Friday

Bulloch Schools Closed Friday

All of Bulloch County Schools’ offices and schools will be closed on Friday, Oct. 12, for all faculty, staff, and students due to damage and power outages caused by Hurricane Michael.
Statesboro Businesses Begin Opening - Wide Spread Power Outage Continues in Bulloch

Statesboro Businesses Begin Opening - Wide Spread Power Outage Continues in Bulloch

Statesboro Businesses Slowly Reopening Many Statesboro restaurants and retail businesses are beginning to re-open since the Tropical Storm Warning has ended. A wind advisory will remain in effect until 2 pm.
Bulloch Sheriff Brown Asking Citizens to Not Travel, Thousands Without Power

Bulloch Sheriff Brown Asking Citizens to Not Travel, Thousands Without Power

Thousands without power in Bulloch County. Thousands of Bulloch County residents are waking up to down trees and no power this morning. As of 8AM local power companies are reporting 9,047 customers without power in Bulloch County.
Bulloch EMA Tropical Storm Michael 5am update

Bulloch EMA Tropical Storm Michael 5am update

Tropical Storm Michael 5am update From Ted Wynn – Bulloch EMA: Winds started getting strong around 1:30am as Michael made its presence known to Bulloch County. Wind gusts to 45 mph were experienced at the EOC on 301 north.
Wind, Rain and Power Outages across Bulloch County

Wind, Rain and Power Outages across Bulloch County

Hurricane Michael’s eye crossed over I-16 west of Dublin around 1:25 AM according to Meteorologist Patrick Prokop. Bulloch County is experiencing 35mph sustained winds with 50 mpg gust and sheets of rain.