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Local News Provides Opportunity and Hope for Bulloch Businesses Provides Opportunity and Hope for Bulloch Businesses

“On and Open” is an exciting example of businesses coming together to find innovative ways to help other small businesses create much needed cash flow.
Five Qualified for Senate District 4 Special Election

Five Qualified for Senate District 4 Special Election

Update 4/15/20 1:30 PM – The sudden death of Georgia State Senator Jack Hill has created the need for a special election to fill his unexpired Senate term which ends in December 2020.
Heroes Shopping at BILO Received Free Groceries Last Night

Heroes Shopping at BILO Received Free Groceries Last Night

Over and Over again, Bulloch County citizens are overwhelmed by the generosity of BILO in Statesboro. Last night was no exception.
Candidates Begin Qualifying for Senate District 4 Special Election

Candidates Begin Qualifying for Senate District 4 Special Election

The sudden death of Georgia State Senator Jack Hill has created the need for a special election to fill his unexpired Senate term which ends in December 2020. The 2020 General Assembly session is still in session but on recess due to COVID-19.
Severe weather Alert - expect worst between 6 am and 7 am

Severe weather Alert - expect worst between 6 am and 7 am

Updated 6:19 am - Expect power outages. Charge phones now and have a way to monitor fast changing conditions without power. In case of tornado - move to lower floor interior room with no windows.
Checkers Statesboro Opening on Tuesday, April 14th

Checkers Statesboro Opening on Tuesday, April 14th

Finally, some good news to report and something to look forward to. This is the type of news story we prefer to share.
Governor Kemp Honors Senator Jack Hill Ordering Flags to Half-Staff

Governor Kemp Honors Senator Jack Hill Ordering Flags to Half-Staff

Governor Brian Kemp ordered all flags in the state to be flown at half-staff on Friday in honor of our friend and irreplaceable State Senator Jack Hill. Senator Hill died unexpectedly in his office in Reidsville, Georgia on Monday.
Bulloch County Public Safety Reporting First COVID-19 Death

Bulloch County Public Safety Reporting First COVID-19 Death

Bulloch County Public Safety Director Ted Wynn confirmed our first COVID-19 death in Bulloch County. Wynn’s statement came from data received by the DPH website which indicated it was a 65 year old male. No other details were provided.
Kemp Contradicts Executive Order Asking Citizens NOT to Attend Church In Person

Kemp Contradicts Executive Order Asking Citizens NOT to Attend Church In Person

Governor Kemp issued a statement this afternoon backing up his own Department of Public Health, the local medical community and local law enforcement’s call for no organizations to meet with ten or more people including churches.
Bulloch Sheriff Addresses Bulloch County Church Continuing to Meet

Bulloch Sheriff Addresses Bulloch County Church Continuing to Meet

The Redeeming Love Church of God the Bibleway, located on Highway 67 outside of Statesboro, has made national news for refusing to comply with local orders to not assemble in groups larger than 10.