There was a chill in the air as attendees huddled in the Community Room of the Statesboro-Bulloch County Library on Wednesday evening. Foreboding music filled the space as Chad Crews, founder of Chad Crews Programs, greeted guests as they entered. His stage, marked by a burgundy crushed velvet drapery with gold accents, hearkened back to something one might see in the Victorian era.
Crews, who donned a black top hat and a shirt that read, "Bah Humbug," began the evening with a popular, well-known Christmas song, "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year" by Andy Williams.
Crews explained that the line "there'll be scary ghost stories" got him thinking about what ghosts have to do with Christmas. Hence, "Haunted Christmas" was born.

While most people are familiar with Santa Claus and the elves, Crews spent the hour regaling guests with tales about two lesser-known Christmas characters: Krampus and M.R. James, an English author who is famous for his prolific and eerie ghost stories.
Krampus is a creature from Central European folklore, often seen as a horned, half-goat, half-demon. Legend has it that he appears during Christmas to punish naughty children, contrasting with Saint Nicholas, who rewards the good ones. Krampus is known for his chains, bells, and carrying a sack to take away misbehaving kids.

M.R. James, full name Montague Rhodes James, was an English scholar and author known for his ghost stories. He served at King's College, Cambridge, and Eton College. His tales, celebrated for their chilling atmosphere and antiquarian settings, have greatly influenced the horror genre.
During the anecdotes, Crews invited members of the audience up to the stage to participate in roles that incorporated Crews' magic. A former teacher, he used his pedagogical skills to describe many of the stories that would pique the interest of listeners without spoiling the endings.

The event left audience members captivated and inquisitive, two apropos states of mind for the upcoming Christmas season.
For more information about Chad Crews Programs, please visit his website.