December 2024 was a month to celebrate the volunteers who support the residents of Bulloch County and surrounding areas. Their dedication, compassion, and tireless efforts keep the wheels turning daily.
It brings great pride and excitement to hear the CEOs, Directors, and Coordinators 'shout out’ about their backbone support and show appreciation for their selfless contributions. Thank you, volunteers, for being the heart of our community!
The East Georgia Auxiliary from East Georgia Regional Medical Center (EGRMC) and The Lodge at Bethany in Statesboro are just a couple of places that honored their volunteers this Holiday Season.
Honoring the Auxiliary
The 45+ East Georgia Auxiliary volunteers of East Georgia Regional Medical Center (EGRMC) gathered on the evening of Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at Forest Heights Country Club to celebrate a festive Christmas holiday and the conclusion of another successful year of volunteer service.

The attendees enjoyed a lavish buffet featuring fried chicken, salmon, and all the fixings, topped off with a selection of delectable desserts, including cheesecakes, chocolate cream pie, and coconut cream pie. The evening was filled with holiday cheer and delicious food, marking a memorable celebration for all involved.
“This wonderful group of dedicated individuals give freely of their time to make each patient that enters EGRMC feel important and cared for. Some of them are strangers or maybe a friend,” shared David Keene, Auxiliary Director.

Each Volunteer received a tree ornament with EGRMC on one side and ‘East Georgia Auxiliary, Happy Holidays 2024’ on the other. A special keepsake to honor their unwavering dedication and generosity!
Stephen Pennington, CEO of EGRMC, and his wife Sheri shared, “The volunteers express joy, kindness, and the spirit of the holiday season all year round.”
Blessed at Bethany
Recognition was shown by The Lodge at Bethany to 20+ volunteers at their Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon on December 18, 2024 in the Community Commons building, catered by the Olive Garden.

Regina Bell, Executive Director at The Lodge at Bethany stated, “Bethany is so blessed to have the best staff residents and volunteers. We couldn't do what we do each day for our wonderful residents without our committed staff and our faithful volunteers.”

Many of the volunteers at Bethany have been there since the doors were opened in January 2016. Jo McKanna and Beth Akins are the longest standing volunteers. Bell expressed her gratitude for the dedication praising their collective efforts, describing the volunteers as selfless and bringing joy to residents.
“We wanted to show some love for giving all their talents and time and for serving the residents each week,” added Bell.

At Bethany and other residences and medical facilities in our community, they depend on the invaluable contributions of volunteers. Roles include welcoming visitors at the front desk, hosting music events, leading exercise sessions, decorating, planting flowers, and countless other ways.

”We always welcome NEW friendly faces to join,” concluded Bell. For more information on volunteering at Bethany, email [email protected].