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Cut a rug for a great cause: DWTSS Autumn Bash fundraiser is Friday

Lisa Horton and Michael McCurdy are putting on their dancing shoes for one of the most important fundraising events of the year. Autumn Bash will be held on Friday, October 6, 2023, at The Market at Visit Statesboro. Dancing With the Statesboro Stars, an annual event benefiting Safe Haven, helps women, men, and children who have been affected by domestic abuse.

Lisa Horton of Statesboro Urgent Care is a working wife and mom of five, the oldest of which is eight. Now she can add “dancer” to her many roles. 

“I will admit it’s not something I ever saw myself doing or thought that I would ever do, but I have learned so much about myself,” Horton says. “I’ve really stepped out of my comfort zone and realized that I am able to do something different than I’ve ever done before.”

Horton was asked if she would be willing to participate by her boss, Dr. Sreevali Dega, who has supported Dancing With the Statesboro Stars and Safe Haven for many years, even going so far as to participate herself in 2018. Horton knew the commitment Dr. Dega made to be a part of the show was a serious one, so she went home and talked it over with her husband before giving her final answer. 

Horton's partner for the event is dance pro Michael McCurdy.

“I cannot think of anyone better to be partnered with. Michael communicates with me very well, and he’s able to break down the dances. His specialty is ballroom dancing, which is something I’m a bit more comfortable with,” Horton explains.

Team Horton/McCurdy held a Boston butt fundraiser with the help of Hopeulikit BBQ

Horton and McCurdy have been actively fundraising, as well as practicing diligently a couple of times per week. 

“We started meeting twice a week back in July,” Horton says. 

Dr. Dega and her husband, Dr. Ian Munger, are the owners of Statesboro Urgent Care, and the primary fundraisers for Team Horton/McCurdy. They are hosting an Autumn Bash at The Market at Visit Statesboro, 222 South Main Street in Statesboro, to raise funds for the organization. Tickets are $75 for single tickets and $150 for couples. Proceeds go to support Safe Haven. McCurdy will provide dance lessons at the event. 


Dr. Dega’s involvement in Safe Haven began with a friend who had endured domestic abuse. 

“Nothing is certain or perfect in our lives. We take so many things for granted. This fills my soul,” Dr. Dega says of the fundraising efforts. “We did Wavee Shavee twice, and we also did Boston butts sales. This Autumn Bash will be our fourth one.”

“It’s a competition but we all have to keep in mind every penny which goes to every team member in turn goes to Safe Haven,” she says. “It’s a friendly competition; compete and have fun!”

To order tickets for the Autumn Bash, call 912-334-0412 or 912-259-9474, or email [email protected]