Statesboro City Council, at the Tuesday, May 7, 2024 bi-monthly meeting, approved a grant to improve security at Stadium Walk apartments and put The Vault apartment complex on notice. This area of Statesboro, which is near Paulson Stadium, has become highlighted for recent violent crimes, including an officer involved shooting.
Charles Penny, City Manager, reported at the council meeting that at the direction of the Mayor and City Council, he had asked Cain Smith, City Attorney, to send a letter to the owners of The Vault apartment complex putting them on notice. The letter encouraged them to take advantage of the city's grants to help apartment complexes to improve security. They are also encouraging them to improve overall security at the complex.
Morris Heights was the first apartment complex to take advantage of the security grants to install cameras and other security equipment that are immediately accessible by SPD. Mike Broadhead, SPD Chief, said they noticed an immediate decrease in crime in that complex after working with SPD using the grant funds to improve security.
Stadium Walk apartments is not a single owner complex. The City worked with a majority of the owners of apartments there through their HOA to request the grant approved in this morning's meeting.
Phil Boyum, Council member, pointed this out to let citizens know this is another way they can work together through their HOAs to improve security and combat crime in their neighborhoods.
Continue reading to review all city business covered in the meeting.
Recognitions/Public Presentations
A) Presentation of a proclamation recognizing May 19-15, 2024 as National Public Works Week.

Public Comments (Agenda Item):
No public comments.
APPROVED - Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Minutes
a) 04-16-2024 Work Session Minutes
b) 04-16-2024 Council Minutes
c) 04-16-2024 Executive Session Minutes
APPROVED - 6. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with the City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a): No new alcoholic beverage license to sell, dispense, pour or offer to sell, dispense or pour any distilled spirits, alcoholic beverages, wine, beer, or malt beverages within the corporate limits of the City of Statesboro shall be issued to a new owner or new location until the application has been approved by the mayor and city council after a public hearing.
Southern Liquors, LLC
305 Tormenta Way, Building 3
Statesboro, Ga 30458
License Type: Package Sales: Beer, Wine, and Distilled Spirits
APPROVED - 7. Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance 2024-03: An Ordinance amending Chapter 82 of the Statesboro Code of Ordinances, Section 62(d) allowing the use of water utility master meters.
At the April 16, 2024 work session, the Mayor and Council were presented with concerns regarding the ordinance prohibition of master meters on all developments. Historically, Statesboro has primarily experienced development of multi-family apartments with multiple buildings which has been conducive to installation of individual water meters. However, recently we have received an increasing interest in development of mid-rise single structure apartment complexes, which will not support individual, multi-meter arrangements.
APPROVED - 8. Consideration of a motion to waive the formalities under Sec. 2-2-4 and approve Ordinance 2024-04: An Ordinance to recodify Chapter 14 Article III Apartment Security.
During codification of the UDC, Chapter 14 Article III was inadvertently removed from Chapter 38. Currently the City has no Apartment Security ordinance. Proposed Article is identical to removed Article.
APPROVED - 9. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-12: A resolution approving application for the 2024 Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation Sandra Webb Legacy Grant.
The Legacy Grant is sponsored by the KGBF. The purpose of the Sandra Webb Legacy Grant is to reduce litter, enhance recycling efforts, and encourage beautification in cities across the state of Georgia. It's designed to prioritize assistance for communities with smaller populations that may not have the funds or staff to adequately address these certain programs and projects. If approved for the grant, KSBB will be able to apply and request funding up to $2,500 to make beautification enhancements to city parks.
APPROVED - 10. Consideration of a motion to approve an application submitted by Stadium Walk Homeowners Association, Aries Management LLC, and APLL Investments, LLC for funding under the Security Enhancement Incentive Program in amount of $17,875.00.
The attached documents includes the signed guidelines and an application for the Security Enhancement Incentive Program along with recommendations from the Statesboro Police Department.
This is the second application for grant funding. This does not give SPD full view of all apartments, but does include the entrances. Complex owners can apply for funding to increase security. Stadium Walk is not a single owner complex; it took the homeowners coming together to help seed this funding.
APPROVED - 11. Consideration of a motion to approve the award of purchase for a 2024 F-550 4x2 with a dump body to J.C. Lewis Ford in the amount of $95,790.46. This item is funded in the CIP Fund through the GMA Lease Pool.
The City of Statesboro requested written quotes to replace a 2004 Ford F-550 6.0L Diesel small dump body which has exceeded its life cycle. The specific request is based on the division’s need and use of this vehicle. The replacement vehicle was approved in the FY 2023 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) Funds listed as Project PRK-36 in the amount of $75,000.00. We requested written quotes and received the following:
J. C. Lewis Ford Lincoln Oxford White 2024 Ford F-550 4X2 SD Regular Cab 205” WB DRW XL (F5G) – $66,212.46 F-550 Chassis 4X2 SD Regular Cab Dump Truck Bed - $29,575.00 plus $3.00 processing fee (TOTAL - $95,790.46) |
O. C. Welch Ford Oxford White 2023 F-550 Chassis 4x4 SD Super Cab 192" WB DRW XL (X5H) – $68,528.00 Reading Body – $24,198.00 (TOTAL - $92,726.00) |
Akins Ford – Verbal Response F-550 stock was equipped with box bodies |
Woody Folsom Ford – No Response |
Robert’s Truck Center, Inc. – No Response |
Jacky Jones – No Response |
J. C. Lewis Ford Lincoln quoted the vehicle as specified. O. C. Welch offered a quote on a vehicle they had in stock; however, it did not meet the requested specifications.
APPROVED - 12. Consideration of a motion to reject Bid Project #2024 STM-38 for the Donnie Simmons Way Culvert Upgrades Project. S. A. Brown Enterprises submitted a sealed bid in the amount of $609,599.00. The budgeted amount for this project was $400,000.00.
City staff advertised for an invitation to bid for construction services for the installation of a new 72” x 48” box culvert, catch basins, curb and gutter, water-main utility relocations and traffic striping on Donnie Simmons Way. This project was publicly and appropriately advertised, twice, according to the state public works contracts policy.
Two (2) contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid conference on March 13, 2024 which qualified them to submit sealed bids by March 27, 2024 at 3:00 PM. According to the City of Statesboro’s Uniform Purchasing Manual, if only one bid is received after re-bidding, it can be accepted, opened, and read aloud. We received one (1) qualified bid from S. A. Brown Enterprises in the amount of $609,599.00.
This total exceeds the allocated budget amount of $400,000.00 as indicated in the FY 2024 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Therefore, city staff would like further discuss potential additional funding and re-advertise at later date.
Other Business from City Council
Council Member Barr thanked the public works and city staff who helped organize Downtown Live concerts. They have been a huge success.
Edith Hutchison is celebrating her 100th birthday, and Register is holding their annual festival on Saturday, May 18th.
City Manager's Comments
May 14th at 2pm is the budget work session. The budget will be ready for presentation at this meeting.
Currently, the city charges penalties for late payments on utility bills. We currently charge penalties on very small amounts. There is a recommendation that if it is under $5 late, they will not charge the penalty.
The Vault apartments have been sent a letter putting the Vault on notice about recent violent events. Because of technology, SPD has made arrests. They are encouraging The Vault to take advantage of the security grants to help reduce crime in that complex.
Utility assistance payment fund continues to have a balance of around $40,000. Citizens are utilizing this assistance, which is managed through Action Pact.
Public Comments (General)
John Ratcliff, retired pilot, spoke to council about an event at the airport called "The Thrill of First Flight." The date is Saturday, May 18th beginning at 9:00am. Local pilots are participating. Youth must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Free food for kids and concessions for the kids. Been blessed and glad to give back.
Ratcliff coordinates these events to expose kids to diverse aviation career opportunities. Two flight simulators will be on-site for kids who may be afraid to fly.
CLICK HERE to sign up for a flight or to learn more.
He has done this program three years in Waycross. He flew 177 in Savannah last March.
Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session
After a brief executive session the council appointed these citizens to the Tree Board:
- Jim Rakestraw
- Judy Godfrey
- Zach VanOtteren
Click Here for meeting agenda and supporting documents
Live Stream of meeting