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Senior Moment|GC and BCRP team up for The Big Connect

Grice Connect Senior Reporter, Michele LeBlanc, recently attended The Newcomers Club Monthly with Bulloch Rec's Tiffany Burgess to present the various local opportunities that are available for Adults 50+. Read on and find your way to CONNECT!

Grice Connect and the Bulloch County Recreation & Parks Department teamed up recently to help some locals get better CONNECTed to their community.

The Newcomers Club monthly meeting (held the 1st Tuesday of every month) graciously added us to their meeting program. Tiffany Burgess, Program Supervisor for Adults 50+ and I, with the aid of a detailed PowerPoint presentation, demonstrated the many opportunities to the 15 members and guests that attended. What a fantastic occasion to have a group of Senior Adults gather and Connect...


After the introduction of the members and guests, I presented handouts to the Newcomers Club Senior Adult members showcasing what Grice Connect was all about and what we offer.

The program was ‘chock full’ of information, explaining the value and usage of Grice Connect. A brief (elementary) introduction to technology helped show the attendees how to navigate through the Grice Connect website and some of its valuable benefits, as well as my advice on HOW to make ‘Grice Connect’ your BEST FRIEND as a source of information.

Its informative articles including our FREE daily newsletter , connecting you with the latest news impacting our community including municipal government, local sports, GS, EGSC and OTC, career opportunities. weather and emergency information, local events calendar with activities for all, vetted local business directory, new business and restaurants, obituaries, gas prices and of course  ‘what's up’ including the Senior Moment! articles.

We let them know that Grice Connect’s website includes an ‘Events Calendar of Activities’ that is freely available to the residents of Statesboro/Bulloch County and surrounding counties. The listings are always FRESH and CURRENT. Events are added and managed by the host organization, and the postings are absolutely FREE!

The Newcomers Club members LOVED how they could get the daily emails with current information either on their phone, iPad, laptop or desktop.

They were intrigued that they could get MORE current information and articles as the day progressed. The smiles of excitement, when I explained those articles at 10 AM may be followed by newer articles at 4PM was an ‘eye-opener’. The updates of additional stories, most current weather, and even gas prices were accepted well. The members at Newcomers' main interests were the news, activities/events, weather and gas prices.They were elated to hear what else Grice Connect offered. 


Tiffany shared through a detailed PowerPoint presentation on the ‘Daily Activities for 50+’, the Benefits of Chair Yoga and Sit Fit, Benefits of Scrabble, Cards and Bingo, Benefits of Arts and Crafts, Benefits of Dancing, and of course, the Field trips (2x monthly) they offer at the Honey Bowen Building! She mentioned a minimal Membership of $40-annually, which pays for ALL activities unless specified.

Tiffany explained in detail:

  • Chair Yoga or Sit and Fit improve mental clarity, help with anxiety, improve muscle tone and strength, and limit stress. They also help with balance and flexibility and with muscle and joint pain.
  • Playing games like Scrabble, Cards, and Bingo minimizes the risk of mental illness, boosts the immune system, teaches mature communication skills, lowers blood pressure, enhances concentration skills, and encourages socializing with peers.
  • Arts and Crafts help with feeling relaxed and in control. They allow socializing with others and encourage both risk-taking and fun, all while improving memory and increasing self-esteem. 
  • Dancing is great for people to help keep them fit and healthy, strengthen, maintain your strength and strong bones, and improve your posture and muscle strength, including balance and coordination. It helps relieve stress. Plus it’s FUN!

Field trips outside the home, Tiffany explained, "Are a benefit of fresh air and seeing something new."

  • A trip outside is a’ Feast for the Eyes,’ When we stay in one place, we are used to what that place has to offer, but once we get out we see so much.      
  • A trip outside is a new 'learning experience.’  Learning never stops, and as we venture, we experience something new seeing progress and new ventures in our sweet town is always fun.  

Fran Wade, Newcomers historian, said the presentations were very good and very informative and captured great pictures for their album.

Kathy Jako, president, said, “The presentations were enjoyed by everyone, and I hope that more people will come to the next meeting. The program for November is a ‘silent auction’ and Cook's Night out, and in December there will be a visit to Guido Gardens in Metter.” Sounds like a perfect way to kick-off the holiday spirit.

Refreshments were served and the hostesses (Linda and Lucy) made everything look very yummy and delicious with fall decor. Tater tot casserole, corn casserole, pumpkin dip with graham crackers and pound cake, tea and coffee were all on the menu. What a delight!!

Grice Connect fans, please check the EVENTS calendar for both Bulloch Recreation and Parks department and Newcomers Club


For more information on the rec programs for 50+, email Tiffany Burgess - [email protected], and for more information on the Newcomers Club, email Kathy Jako - [email protected]

CONNECT-ing is the Best!! Webster defines connecting as to join or to fasten together, to have or establish rapport.

That is what it's all about! Make a connection today and have your next great Senior Moment!