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Senior Moment | Starting Over Again Can Be Scary, I know!

Starting over is not easy. A new, unfamiliar town with no friends replaces where you moved from where everyone knew your name. Grice Connect's Senior Reporter Michele LeBlanc traveled this journey and speaks from first hand experience the struggles of starting over. She has found her tribe and wants to help you find yours!

Hello Seniors!!

Once upon a decade ago, a new transplant (ME) moved to Statesboro with her daughter and her family (the Pattersons’ and my twin grandsons). I called myself a stranger in a new land, RURAL Georgia, a little different from the URBAN lifestyle (Canada and Texas) I was familiar with. 

I needed to start over and become familiar with Southern Hospitality and RURAL life. I laughed heartily and was confused when my new friend(s) "PRAYED" for rain. I said to myself “HMMM that is unusual. WHY would anyone want that!”  BUT with time I began to understand that farmers need rain.

Upon arriving, I was faced with several challenges. My family was busy getting settled in their new jobs and lifestyle and I knew I had to start over for sanity sake. That meant to meet and make new friends, find a place to worship and get familiar with all the finest HOTSPOTS Statesboro had to offer (namely shopping, eating and entertainment places). 

Getting out there

I needed to be PROACTIVE and try to meet and make a new life. WELL, my Sunday School class at First Baptist Church-Statesboro welcomed me in and that was my beginning. There I met another lady that had relocated here from Oklahoma for the same reasons as me and asked if “she could be my friend”.YIPPEE!!!

Like me, we decided to ask a few ladies to go EAT with us. Eating as you know, is always the COMMON denominator with women. Breakfast at the former Vandy’s in the Mall  at 8:30 Thursday morning was the solution. It went well. We continued to meet every Thursday with a few more ladies joining us.

WE all had the same life-things in common (either had relocated or some major lifestyle change). We enjoyed each other's company celebrating birthdays, sharing recipes, stories about our families and a lot of chit-chat on STUFF!! WE happily met weekly for a little over five years, then in 2019, COVID came and  stayed in Statesboro a little longer than we wanted. So we were GROUNDED!!

After a lengthy unwanted sabbatical and when it was SAFE, we started out again in 2022. Now we are the LUNCH BUNCH and meet twice a month. Some of our group has changed, lost a few friends and gained a few new ones but still are having a GREAT time!.

Find your tribe

WELL, to make my LONG STORY short, Seniors it’s your time to ‘GROW and CULTIVATE A LUNCH BUNCH.’ Grab a friend, join a group (Garden Club, Bridge Club, Library, YMCA or Bulloch County Parks and Recreation Department, Sunday School or Young at Heart ) or just ASK someone to be your NEW friend and MEET the Challenge!!

In no time, with the new friends you meet, you will love this little town as much as I do now.  It is definitely a wonderful place to call home, especially for Seniors!

Are you having trouble getting plugged in to your new hometown?  Reach out to me and I would love to CONNECT you to other seniors in the Boro. 

Most importantly enjoy yourself and have a GREAT SENIOR MOMENT! 

Have a Senior Moment idea you want me to share? 

Join my mission to get seniors back out into our community, discovering ways they can stay active, be appreciated and live a healthier life.

How can you help?  Share with me your FRESH ideas, senior activities you would like me to share, senior needs not met.  I am waiting on your email at [email protected] …. I would like to know and share. Until then …

Enjoy your next Senior Moment in Bulloch County!!