UPDATE 1/23/25: Please see changes to the Statesboro plan due to inclement weather.
Winter Field Day, an annual opportunity to help amateur radio operators improve their preparedness for disasters and enhance their operational abilities, is set for the last full weekend in January. This 14th edition of WFD will be held Saturday, January 25th and Sunday, January 26th, 2025.
The winter months present unique challenges for operating, including shorter days, the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards.
The annual Winter Field Day Exercise is not a contest but a practical field exercise designed to push your emergency preparedness skills to the limit and test your capabilities in diverse and demanding conditions.

Details on the local event
Our initial plans were to set up operations at the Bulloch County Horsemans Arena this Saturday and Sunday. However, with the weather forecast calling for overnight temperatures falling into the low 20s and daytime highs barely reaching near 50, we have decided to cancel that part of our Field Day activities.
Several of our participants live out in the county and even in nearby counties. Concerns of hazardous road conditions combined with such low temperatures and safety of participants it was decided best to invoke Plan B.
Our Plan B involves the general idea of practicing and honing Amateur Radio communication skills during adverse conditions but in a safer location. Instead of operating remotely, participants will operate from their homes or other fixed sites.
Many hams have the ability of operating “off the grid” utilizing battery, generator and solar energy. We will adapt and improvise so the results will be essentially the same.
The 30-hour operational period starts at 1600 UTC (11 am EST) Saturday, the 25th, and ends at 21:59 UTC (4:59 pm EST) Sunday, the 26th.

The lessons learned during Winter Field Day and the ability to adapt and overcome sudden obstacles can be invaluable during unexpected emergencies. The aim is to boost your confidence and make you a better operator during adverse conditions.
While the purpose of WFD is to practice your skills in unfavorable weather, safety must remain the top priority. All operators are advised to take extra care when working in extreme conditions. While many operators in the south enjoy mild weather, those in the north should exercise caution around snow and ice.

Stay alert by monitoring weather forecasts for sudden changes and have a plan to relocate or cease operations if conditions become unsafe. These considerations are crucial for the effective planning and execution of your operations.
As we embark on another year of the Winter Field Day exercise, we encourage you to use this event to hone your skills as an amateur radio operator. Above all, remember to enjoy Winter Field Day, stay safe, have fun, make new friends, and create lasting memories!