At their Tuesday morning, August 6, 2024 meeting, Statesboro City Council approved a resolution calling for a Special Election to fill the unexpired term of the vacant District One council seat, previously held by Phil Boyum. The position will be on the November election ballot, and the window for candidates to apply will be between August 20 and 22, 2024.
Councilmember Ginny Hendley’s application for an alcohol license for her business Gators & Gypsies was approved, with the stipulations that Hendley will henceforth abstain from voting on any items pertaining to alcohol while holding a seat on the city council. Texas Roadhouse’s alcohol licensing was also approved.
Read about this and more from yesterday’s Statesboro City Council meeting below.
Mayor Jonathan McCollar called the Tuesday, August 6, 2024 City Council meeting to order at 9am, with councilmember Paullette Chavers then leading a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
No initial public comments preceded the approval of the minutes from the July 16, 2024 City Council meeting minutes and the council moved on to the next items, the consideration of approval for two applications for alcohol licensing.
5. Public hearing and consideration of a motion to approve application for an alcohol license in accordance with The City of Statesboro alcohol ordinance Sec. 6-13 (a)
APPROVED A. Gators & Gypsies LLC 19 E. Vine St, Suite A, License type: Pub with Sunday Sales
City attorney Cane Smith opened the discussion, clarifying that the applicant for the licensing is councilmember Ginny Hendley, and as it stands her application to attain this license is against the code of ordinance as a member of city staff.
In order to grant this licensing, councilmember Hendley will have to recuse herself from any future voting on matters pertaining to chapter 6 of the city ordinance granting licenses, revisions, regulations or disciplinary actions regarding alcohol applications, as long as she is on the council.
“If it touches alcohol at all, she will abstain,” said Attorney Smith.
“I’m okay with that,” said councilmember Hendley, before the council voted to approve the applications with the stipulations.
APPROVED B. Texas Roadhouse Holding LLC
24034 Hwy 80 East License type: Restaurant with Sunday Sales
Maurice Jackson, owner-operator and managing partner of the new Texas Roadhouse, spoke in favor of the granting the application during the public hearing of the item.
He is a Statesboro native and described how he started his restaurant career at Western Sizzlin in town in 1985. He says he has worked in restaurants in 10 different states, and while COVID slowed down the work to open this Texas Roadhouse, the franchise has worked hard to walk in line with the city's ordinance.
The council approved the licensing and expressed their personal excitement for the restaurant's imminent opening.
“I'm just so happy I can't wait,” said councilmember Chavers.
APPROVED 6. Consideration of a motion to approve Resolution 2024-20: A Resolution calling for a Special Election to fill the unexpired term of the vacant District One Council Seat, fixing the qualification fee for candidates, and authorizing publication.
City Manger Charles Penny reminded the council and public that District One councilman Phil Boyum submitted his resignation effective August 1, 2024, and that the council must approve the special election by August 7, 2024 so that that the vote for a new councilman can appear on the November election ballot this year.
The window for candidates to apply will be between August 20-22, 2024.
APPROVED 7. Consideration of a motion to award a contract to Raftelis, Inc. in the amount of $28,900.00 to perform a water and sewer rate study update. Study to be paid with water and sewer fund revenues.
City Manger Penny reminded council that Raftelis worked with the city about about 2 years ago to create a cost of service analysis as apart of part of adopting the new budget to adjust sewer rates.
The work that was approved at today's council meeting to perform the water and sewer rate study. The update will help the city ‘make a case’ in seeking grant funding for the $100,000 investment for the new plan.
The grants that the city is seeking will hopefully allow rates to remain low so that investors will remain interested in bringing business to Statesboro, as without the grants, the costs will fall upon the people.
APPROVED no discussion 8. Consideration of a motion to award a contract to The Charles Machine Works, Inc for the purchase of a Ditch Witch JT20/DP/DHT Directional Boring machine per Sourcewell cooperative purchasing contract in the amount of $296,682.29. This item to be purchased with funds approved in the 2025 CIP Budget, item #NGD-69, funded by system revenues.
APPROVED 9. Consideration of a motion to approve the purchase of a Tymco Model 600 Street Sweeper per Sourcewell contract price with funds from GMA lease pool in the amount of $364,195.00.
10. Other Business from City Council
Mayor Pro-Tem Shari Barr sent well wishes to all as we come through the storm, and gave kudos to the staff who have been prepared throughout.
11. City Manager's Comments
Along with the storm situation, City Manager Penny said that this week's Downtown Live concert is canceled. Assistant to the City Manager Olympia Gaines canceled the event yesterday, and reported that the city won't lose this money and can reschedule the band. We will know soon when the date is reset.
City Manager Penny says that in the next meeting, a number of items will be brought before council regarding future developments, and he feels it's appropriate to clarify the development process for citizens. Citizens have brought multiple concerns to the council after the process of zoning has occurred, which would be more appropriately brought before the preliminary plat approval.
12. Public Comments (General) None
13. Consideration of a Motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss “Personnel Matters” “Real Estate” and/or “Potential Litigation” in accordance with O.C.G.A 50-14-3(b)
After the council returned from executive session, City Manager Penny mentioned that the city's intern Logan Josie, a graduate student at Georgia Southern University who has shadowed city workers for the last eight weeks, has now finished his internship.
City Manager Penny noted that Josie has helped conduct great research within the Statesboro community and other communities about SPLOST and other projects.
“When I signed on to doing this, I just never expected to be involved in so much and just really get to see so much of local government in action. So thank y’all for letting me be here, letting me sit in and take notes,” said Josie. “I appreciate it. It’s been a really good experience.”
The council adjourned just before 9:40 am.
View the full agenda and packet HERE.
Watch the livestream below