Early voting in local races begins on April 29, 2024. The general election primary will take place on May 21. We have put together this introduction to candidates in local races so you can learn more about each of them that will allow you to make a better informed decision as you go cast your vote.
With 25 candidates qualifying to run for 11 offices in Bulloch County, the Grice Connect team has been working to determine the best way to give voters an opportunity to meet the candidates, learn more about them, and why they are running for office.
With a small staff and limited resources, balancing our coverage to ensure every candidate received an equal opportunity for coverage is a daunting task.
However, it is an important one. We understand tens of thousands of you depend on Grice Connect for your local news, delivered to you in a "just the facts" way, without bias, editorialization, politicization, or injection of our opinion.
Considering all of this, our editorial team determined the best and most objective way to accomplish our goal was to send each candidate a two question questionnaire.
They were asked to provide:
- A brief biography
- Their priorities if elected/re-elected
Below you will receive their responses, in their voice. Their responses are listed below. Candidates are presented in alphabetical order in each race.
We applaud each candidate for taking the time to participate in our coverage and hope you find this helpful.
How to determine who you can vote for
The general election primary is meant to determine, in the event multiple candidates run on a party ticket (Democrat or Republican) for a specific office, which candidates will advance to the general election in November.
In multiple races, candidates have only qualified under one political party or the race is non-partisan. These races will be determined on May 21. Since this is a primary election, voters will be required to select either a Democrat, Republican, or Non-Partisan ballot. Which ballot you select will determine who you can vote for.
CLICK HERE to view a sample ballot with all candidates.
CLICK HERE to verify you are registered to vote and to view your ballot. You will enter your first initial, last name, county name and date of birth.
The site will then verify you are an active voter and show you the location of your voting precinct. You can view your sample ballot. This will only include candidates whose district you live in and can vote for. You can also request an absentee ballot here.
The candidates
Contested local general primary races include:
- Chairman of the Board of Commissioners: Incumbent Roy Thompson (R) is being challenged by David Bennett (R).
- Commission 1A: Incumbent Ray Mosley (D) is being challenged by Ryan Brannen (R).
- Commission 2A: Incumbent Curt Deal (R) is being challenged by Ray Davis (R).
- Commission 2C: Incumbent Jappy Stringer (R) is being challenged by Brian Pfund (R), Nick Newkirk (R) and Len Fatica (D).
- BOE District 3: Incumbent Stuart Tedders did not seek re-election. Jennifer Mock (NP) and Suzanne Hallman (NP) have qualified.
- BOE District 7: Incumbent Heather Mims (NP) is being challenged by Lisha Nevil (NP).
- Sheriff: Incumbent Noel Brown (R) is being challenged by Keith Howard (R).
- Coroner: Appointed incumbent Richard Pylant did not seek election. Deputy Coroner Chuck Francis (R), Deputy Coroner Craig Tremble (D) and Matthew Lovett (D) have all qualified.
- District Attorney Daphne Totten (R) is being challenged by Robert Busbee (R).
NOTE: Grice Connect is non-partisan and does not endorse political candidates, nor do we endorse or confirm any of the claims made in the following candidate responses. Their responses are as written with no editorialization.
Chairman of the Bulloch County Board of Commissioners
David Bennett (R) (Challenger)

BIO: I grew up in a military family. I attended high school in Jesup, then enlisted in the Army Reserve. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Georgia Southern University in 1998. Upon graduation, I was commissioned in the Army, where I served as a critical care nurse for twenty-two years. I earned a Master of Science in Nursing as a Critical Care Clinical Nurse Specialist and a Post Masters Certificate as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner from the University of Virginia.
I retired from the Army in 2020 and moved my family to Bulloch County. I currently work as a flight nurse. My wife (Jessica) and I have been married for 23 years. She is employed by the Bulloch County Board of Education. We have two children: Emma (19), and Sarah (15).
Since retirement, I've volunteered at Southeast Bulloch in the Future Farmers of America and Health Occupations programs.
PRIORITIES: If elected, I want to lower property taxes for the citizens of Bulloch County by decreasing the county operating budget, ending corporate welfare (tax abatements that the taxpayers subsidize) for new corporations moving into the county, and implementing impact fees within the county. I will prioritize funding to ensure trained and equipped first responders who are prepared to protect the citizens of Bulloch County now and in the future. Finally, I will work to increase transparency within county government by decreasing the number of items approved by a consent agenda, fostering discussion among the county commissioners during commission meetings, and regularly scheduling county commission town hall meetings to allow the public to discuss their concerns in an open forum with their representatives.
Roy Thompson (R) (Incumbent)

BIO: I graduated from Statesboro High School in 1964 and from Georgia Southern in 1968 with a BS in Recreation. I began working at our family owned business in 1952 (Statesboro Floor Covering Service, Inc.) at 6 years of age. I still work there today at the age of 78 years old.
I served as volunteer coach for over 30 years, in all sports, at our local recreation department. I am a deacon at First Baptist Church. I began TMT Farm Christmas Lights Drive-Thru in 2010. We collect toys, food, monetary donations, and pet food to help those who are in need of a hand up.
- Longtime small business owner
- Board of directors at Ogeechee Area Hospice
- Recreation Advisory Board (4 years)
- Bulloch County Planning and Zoning Board (3 years),
- Bulloch County Board of Commissioners (12 years), Chairman for 7+ years
My proudest accomplishment is marrying Deborah Lucille Hagins on March 17, 1968. We just celebrated our 56th anniversary and have two children, many grandchildren, and now great grandchildren.
PRIORITIES: I love Bulloch County! Having lived here all my life, I want to make decisions for the betterment of its citizens. No doubt our county will grow and we must prepare for change and the future. My top priority would be to serve the people as best as "I possibly can"! I will not single out any department as being more important than another.
Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Seat 2A
Ray Davis (R) (Challenger)

BIO: I’m Ray Davis!
- Born in 1953 to James & Fostine Akins Davis of Stilson, GA
- Attended Stilson Elementary School, Southeast Bulloch High School, South Georgia Junior College & West Georgia College
- Coached at Portal High School for 3 years
- Moved back to farm in 1980, where I am a 6th generation farmer growing cotton, peanuts & timber
- Served on Statesboro-Bulloch Parks & Recreation Board from 1994-2002, building Mill Creek Park in Statesboro, parks in Stilson, Nevils, Brooklet additions & Portal improvements, along with the Walking Path from Gentilly Road to 6 points.
- Bulloch County EMS Communication Tower helped in making land available at Driggers Field on Ball Park Road in Stilson, Georgia.
- Community Awards of $5000 given by Bayer in a program called WE GROW COMMUNITIES.
- Stilson Elementary School
- Stilson Fire Department
- Leefield Fire Department
My wife, Belinda Lee Davis, was born and raised in the Leefield Community which was established by her ancestors in 1900. Belinda retired after 38 years in education as a Library Media Specialist.
- Water: I think the County Commissioners should represent the people of Bulloch County to persuade the State of Georgia to indemnify any problems that may occur as a result of the four Hyundai Wells to be drilled in Bulloch County.
- Taxes: 65% of funding for Bulloch County comes from property taxes. Abatements to industry and subdivisions create a deficit to the general fund of Bulloch County. If voters approve legislation this November that will limit property tax increases to rate of inflation each year, this will make looking at an Impact Tax more important.
- Schools: The Board of Commissioners control the population by allowing the influx of subdivisions in Bulloch County and these families have children that are the Board of Education’s responsibility to educate.
- Garbage: What Bulloch County pays to dispose of this county’s garbage.
Curt Deal (R) (Incumbent)

BIO: Curt Deal was first elected in 2016 as a Bulloch County Commissioner for seat 2A. Currently serving his second term in office. He became a Certified County Commissioner from the University of Georgia’s Carl Vincent Institute of Government. Curt graduated from Statesboro High School in 1990. After attending Georgia Southern, he earned a mortuary science degree from Gupton-Jones College in 1994. Curt has had a career of 28 years serving others as a funeral director and a sales consultant in the funeral industry.
Curt is a member of Statesboro First Baptist Church where he has served as a Deacon. He was a dedicated volunteer with the Statesboro-Bulloch County Parks & Recreation for over 10 years. Curt is married to his wife of 30 years, Jenni, and they have been blessed with three children Hannah, Harrison and Halli. In addition to serving as commissioner, Curt is a member of the Bulloch County Economic Development Authority Board of Directors.
PRIORITIES: When re-elected my priority will be to direct the economic development gains and future growth back to the citizens of Bulloch County by way of continuing to improve public safety needs while rolling back the property tax. I will continue to manage the growth with opportunities from higher density development, preserving farmland, open green space and natural resources. I will work diligently and strategically on improving infrastructure and transportation needs.
Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Seat 2C
Nick Newkirk (R) (Challenger)

BIO: Nick Newkirk, a graduate of Effingham High in 1998 and Southern Tech in Marietta in 2002 with a degree in Construction Management, has over a decade of experience in utility contracting and land development. He opened Crazy Nick's Inflatables in 2009 and has several other small businesses. He and his wife, April, have been married for 20 years, they have four sons (17, 15, 9, and 4). Newkirk has served extensively in children's ministry and scouting, he volunteered for hurricane relief efforts, including Hurricane Ian in Florida, and coached various youth sports teams. He and his family have been in Bulloch County for over 20 years.
PRIORITIES: Newkirk advocates for lowering taxes without relying on increasing the tax digest. He believes a thorough review of each department is necessary to identify areas for potential budget reductions. Living within our means is essential, prioritizing spending based on necessities. Distinguishing between critical projects and those that can be deferred is vital. Simply raising taxes and increasing spending is not a sustainable solution in the long run.
Improving our road infrastructure is a priority for our county. Our current roads struggle to accommodate existing traffic, let alone the increasing volume we can expect with new developments and industry. Many major roads are prone to flooding during heavy rain, leading to dangerous driving conditions. Bulloch County's identity is deeply rooted in its farming heritage. Newkirk believes that preserving that heritage is crucial. He believes that we must actively support farmers to prevent the escalating costs and taxes of farmland from forcing them to sell. Our focus should be on maintaining active agriculture, safeguarding against the conversion of farmland into subdivisions and warehouses. We need to keep tractors in the fields.
Brian Pfund (R) (Challenger)

BIO: Meet Brian, a native of Pittsburgh, PA, whose journey took him from military service to a distinguished career at Gulfstream Aerospace. Born in 1972, Brian enlisted in the Army in 1999, earning a Bronze Star for his valorous service before transitioning to civilian life in 2013. Since then, he has been an invaluable asset to Gulfstream, showcasing dedication and skill in his work. Residing in Georgia since 2000, Brian and his wife Celine, a Nursing Professor at Georgia Southern University, exemplify a commitment to both community and education. Their story is one of resilience, dedication, and meaningful contributions.
PRIORITIES: My priorities if I am elected are as follows.
- Voice for the People: I am committed to being the unwavering voice of Bulloch County's citizens.
- Transparency Matters: Pledge to be transparent, ensuring you're well-informed about decisions impacting our community.
- Smart Fiscal Management: Cut wasteful spending, reduce taxes, implement impact fees for developers, and ensure foreign businesses will pay their share of taxes without special tax abatements.
- Preserve Our Roots: Fight to preserve our rural lifestyle by limiting rezoning and protecting our natural resources.
- Invest Locally: Direct federal grants to enhance Bulloch County's infrastructure, not foreign corporations, or neighboring counties.
- Community Over Corporations: Limit the influence of Joint Development Authorities, putting our community first.
Jappy Stringer (R) (Incumbent)

BIO: Jappy Stringer, born and raised in Bulloch County, is deeply rooted in his community. He attended Georgia Southern University and is an alumni of Sigma Chi fraternity. After college, Jappy began working at his family's business, Stringer Chevron, a full-service gas station and mechanic shop founded by his father. He and his wife Emily managed it for over 30 years. A committed volunteer, Jappy contributed significantly to Bulloch County 4-H, Statesboro Fire Department, and the local EMS Rescue Team for three decades. Married for 40 years, he has a son, a daughter and son in law, two grandchildren, and a loyal German Shepherd, Shadow. Jappy also holds positions on the boards of Ogeechee Area Hospice and the Bulloch County Airport Committee.
PRIORITIES: I am committed to enhancing Bulloch County's Fire and EMS services to better meet our growing community's needs and will continue supporting the Sheriff’s and Public Safety Departments. Although we've made significant progress in extending these services to rural areas, more work remains. Funding strategies is paramount to relieve property owners from bearing the full financial burden. Managing the ongoing growth in housing and economic development is crucial. We we all know, it’s important to balance expansion with the preservation of our rural setting for the benefit of our community and future generations.
Bulloch County Board of Education District 3
Suzanne Hallman (NP)

BIO: Born and raised in McRae, Georgia, I graduated with Honors from Telfair County in 1999 as a dual-enrollment student at Middle Georgia College. I transferred to Georgia Southern University, receiving a Bachelors of Management in Human Resources (2002) and a Masters of Business Administration (2003).
I worked in Staffing in Savannah for about 4 years, followed by Advertising in Statesboro for almost 6 years. Persistence and determination paid off in my pursuit of a career with my alma mater and I’ve been with the Business Innovation Group at Georgia Southern for almost 11 years currently serving as the Director of Business Operations.
PRIORITIES: I have two boys in the Bulloch County School System. My oldest is finishing up his first year at William James Middle School and my youngest is at Julia P. Bryant. I have been an active member of the PTO at both schools and was elected to the School Council at JPB, currently serving as Chair.
If elected I promise to be an advocate and representative for the students, teachers and families in my district and beyond. I’m a big advocate for showing up, doing the work, and being a part of the solution.
Jennifer Mock (NP)

BIO: My name is Jennifer Mock, and I am running for a seat on the Bulloch County Board of Education. After graduating from Statesboro High School, I attended Georgia Southern University and majored in Finance and Marketing. I then attended to University of Georgia to pursue my law degree. After practicing law in Augusta and Savannah, I returned to Statesboro to open The Mock Law Firm handling real estate closings, probate matters, and family law issues. I am involved in many local community and leadership activities including the Statesboro Exchange Club and Professional Women of Statesboro. I live in Statesboro with my husband, Jared Mock, and our three daughters.
PRIORITIES: If elected, my priority would be to maximize the educational opportunities for the children in our community while ensuring all taxpayer dollars are utilized prudently and efficiently. I am committed to ensuring that every child in our county receives a quality education and that faculty and staff have the tools they need to meet all the individual needs of our community’s children. I believe that education is the cornerstone of our community, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping its future. I believe that I can provide new perspectives and insight to decisions and initiatives brought before the Board.
Bulloch County Board of Education District 7
Heather Mims (NP) (Incumbent)

BIO: I am a Brooklet native, attending Brooklet Elementary School and Southeast Bulloch High School. I obtained an Accounting Diploma from Ogeechee Tech in 1999. This year my husband, Greg, and I will celebrate 29 years of marraige. We have 5 children ranging in ages from 14-24. I have primarily been a stay-at-home mom, but have previously worked for WoodmenLife Insurance and was a substitute teacher prior to being elected onto the school board. During my children’s elementary careers, I volunteered in their classrooms, went on multiple field trips as a chaparone, and helped with school fundraisers. I also volunteered in the concession stand with the band for several years.
PRIORITIES: If re-elected to the school board, I will continue to help keep our children safe through helping to keep the safety plan in check and periodically updated, and strive to make sure our children continue to get the best education and best learning opportunities available. With the growth coming our way, I will help to make the best possible decisions regarding school capacities and new schools, continue to support competive teacher and support staff wages, and help find ways to keep the burden of those expenses as minimal as possible for Bulloch County residents.
Lisha Nevil (NP) (Challenger)

BIO: My name is Lisha Nevil. I am a lifelong resident of Bulloch County, attended Bulloch County schools growing up, and received two degrees from GSU in Early Childhood Education. My three daughters all attended Bulloch County Schools, with one still enrolled at SEBMS. I retired after teaching 30 years in 2018. I taught at Nevils Elementary for the last 26 of those years.
PRIORITIES: If elected as the BOE Board Member for District 7, I promise to put the children's education first and bring the Bulloch County School District back to the high standards it was known for when I graduated. I want to cut the fluff and concentrate on retaining excellent teachers and giving them the support they need to teach our children. I believe getting back to the basics of education will prepare our children for the future, and save our taxpayers money. I am interested in finding ways to help our senior citizens with some relief from school taxes. I believe in working within a budget that can be beneficial for all. I appreciate all the votes as I try to help our schools become the best!
Bulloch County Sheriff
Noel Brown (R) (Incumbent)

BIO: I joined the United States Air Force after graduation from Portal High School. I was stationed overseas in England and also served in Operation Desert Storm. After leaving the Air Force I was hired as a police officer for Georgia Southern University in January of 1994. In August of 1998 I was hired by then Sheriff Arnold Ray Akins as a Deputy at the Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office. I was later promoted to Corporal and served as the supervisor of the Civil/Warrant Division until my election as Sheriff in 2016. I have been serving as Sheriff of Bulloch County since January 2017. During that time, I have expanded the jail, increased the amount of Deputy training and added personnel in key areas and significantly upgraded equipment. I believe that my military service in a combat zone, my years as a Georgia Peace Officer and my continuing service as your Sheriff qualify me to continue in my current capacity.
PRIORITIES: If re-elected my priorities would be as follows:
- Continue to focus on quality training for our Deputies with an emphasis on specialized training such as criminal interdiction, advanced investigative courses and training that deals specifically with responding to persons with severe mental health issues.
- Continue to acquire modern equipment, especially high-tech systems and devices, that aid in locating and apprehending violent criminals as well as solving serious crimes.
- Work towards starting a traffic enforcement unit to deal with the increase in motor vehicle accidents and serious traffic violations. This can only be done once we have enough Deputies to respond to calls for service and adequately patrol our businesses and neighborhoods.
- I will continue to move forward with our previously submitted five-year plan that concludes in the 2026 budget year. At which time I will submit a ten-year plan which incrementally increases personnel to deal with the expected population growth in our region.
Keith Howard (R)

- Public service career, firefighter Statesboro, GSP dispatcher, senior trooper, deputy and chief deputy Jenkins County 20 plus years
- Life long business owner and current business owner with wife Gail for approximately 26 years
- Daughter Hannah and son-in-law Wade Ellington. 1 son Keith Jr. a senior at Statesboro High and 1 granddaughter Emmie Grace 3 yoa and a grandson due to arrive in October
- Life long resident.
- As a trooper one of my many duties was drug interdiction, gang training and human trafficking. These along with many other schools i obtained training in while a LEO more than entitles me to be qualified for this position. My business owner experience, having borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars and never filed bankruptcy shows my ability to be a responsible steward with the taxpayers money.
PRIORITIES: Sadly I am still campaigning in 2024 for the same problems as I campaigned for in 2016 and 2020. I want to address high crime, gangs, prostitution, murders, robberies, jail issues, budget issues and personnel issues just to name a few. I will recognize employees for their commitment to protect our community. You must reward and recognize your employees to retain and recruit. Salary must be a priority as a dispatcher starting salary at Statesboro PD is a higher salary than a starting road deputy. I will never demand a tax increase nor will I attempt to stop you from exercising your right to free speech. I will find grants and other means for revenue.
I will establish a full-time drug interdiction team focused on not only drugs but a diversified group of personnel to combat many crimes. we must get this county under control for the safety of ALL and lets not forget about the thousands of people that are going to infiltrate our county from the Hyundai development.
Bulloch County Coroner
Matthew Lovett (D)

BIO: To my neighbors of this great County: I humbly step forward to offer myself as your candidate for Bulloch County Coroner. My upbringing, rooted in hard work, dedication, and compassion for others has instilled in me a deep understanding of the needs of the people in our community. As the eldest of 11 children raised by a single mother, I learned early on the values of honesty, humility, and the importance of putting the needs of others first. These values have guided me throughout my life, both personally and professionally.
I earned a degree in Business Management & Finance from the University of Phoenix, A degree in Funeral Service Education from Ogeechee Technical College, and many other diplomas and certifications in various fields.I have worked in deathcare all my life and I seek the role of Coroner to bring a fresh leadership and perspective to the office. For the last 13 years, I have sought to become a deputy coroner with our coroner's office and was never given an opportunity, so I am running to seek the position of Coroner now.
As a Licensed Funeral Director, Licensed Embalmer, Licensed Insurance Agent, City of Statesboro Planning & Zoning Commissioner, Business Owner, and Founder & Director of a local non-profit, I have dedicated myself to giving back to the less fortunate and serving others with dignity and sincere respect. My experience has taught me the significance of empathy and the necessity of being there for our neighbors in times of need.
PRIORITIES: If elected to this office, my top priorities will center on our community's well-being. I am deeply committed to implementing programs that educate both our youth and adults on the devastating impacts of suicide, gun violence, and drug abuse. Having experienced the profound effects of attempted suicide personally, I bring a unique perspective to this issue where I am able to connect to people and their families. Additionally, I will work tirelessly to transform the coroner's office into a transparent, proactive advocate for our community's safety and protection for all people. With nearly three decades of the same leadership in the Bulloch County coroner's office, it's imperative for our office to embrace change and pursue growth.
Craig Tremble (D)

BIO: I am a proud Statesboro, Bulloch County native. I am a 1987 graduate of Southeast Bulloch High School, Brooklet, GA. I am also a 1991 graduate of Gupton-Jones College of Funeral Services in Atlanta, GA, receiving a degree in Funeral Services. I received my license as Funeral Director and Embalmer that same year. I received a certificate in Theology from Interdenominational Theological Center in Atlanta, GA on May 11, 2012. I also received my associate degree in biblical studies from Guido Bible Institute in Metter, GA on August 22, 2015. I received my B.S. degree in Biblical Studies from Guido Bible College in Metter, GA on August 18, 2018. I am also a Partner with Creflo Dollar Ministries of College Park, GA. I presently serve as Pastor of Second Saint John Missionary Baptist Church, where I have been pasturing faithfully for the last 28 years.
I have diligently served as Deputy Coroner for 27 years. For the past 23 years, I served as Chief Deputy Coroner under the leadership of former Coroner Jake A. Futch.
I enjoy working for community-focused organizations and building strategic alliances with public and private organizations. My affiliations are with the Georgia Funeral Service Practitioners Association, where I served as Chaplain, Georgia Funeral Directors Association, former Chairman of the First District of the Georgia Funeral Service Practitioners Association, Inc. (GFSPA), a member of Georgia Funeral Directors Association, Georgia Coroners Association. I served Statesboro-Bulloch Parks and Recreation Department as a recreation advisory committee member, Chairman of the Advisory Board for the Funeral Service program at Ogeechee Technical College. I also serve as Chaplain for the Statesboro police Department and Georgia’s Bureau of Investigation, Homeland Security, and Deputy Coroner with the Bulloch County Coroner’s Office. I am a member of the National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Bulloch County Branch and Bryan County Branch of NAACP, Statesboro Ministerial Association, Brotherhood Community Fishing Auxiliary, Academy of Graduate Embalmers of Georgia, Inc., Kiwanis Club of Statesboro, 100 Black Men of Funeral Service, Epsilon Nu Delta Mortuary Fraternity, Alpha Omega Chapter. I am a member of the Academy of Professional Funeral Service Practice. I am a 2016 Dean’s Day Awards Recipient for Community Service. I was appointed Deputy Coroner on October 1, 1997 by Coroner Barry Turner.
I have served as Deputy Coroner for 27 years. For the past 23 years, I served as Chief Deputy Coroner under the leadership of former Coroner Jake A. Futch.
PRIORITIES: If elected as the next Bulloch County Coroner, I will continue to diligently serve the citizens of Bulloch County and move the office forward with experience, compassion and care.
My priorities for this office is to be open and transparent with all citizens; assuring them that I am working on their behalf to find the cause of death for their loved one. My goal is to help bring awareness to the community about gun violence and the affects of fentanyl abuse. Under my leadership, as Coroner of Bulloch County, I will be an advocate for the community and educate citizens on many issues.
District Attorney for the Ogeechee Judicial Circuit
Robert Busbee (R) (Challenger)

BIO: I got my undergraduate degree from Georgia Southern and my law degree from Georgia State. I founded my private practice in 2014, and I currently handle criminal cases in Bulloch County and the surrounding area. As a small business owner, I have managed a hard budget for a decade with no taxpayers to bail me out. I have a wife and two small children who depend on me to properly manage my firm’s finances. In private practice, results matter. When clients pay for your work, “okay” results simply aren’t good enough. So, I expect excellence from myself and my staff.
PRIORITIES: My top priority is to elevate the standard of success at the DA’s Office using the hard work and skills I learned in private practice. A ten-year sentence for someone accused of murder is not a win and won’t be treated as such in my office.
Reining in the budget is also a priority. The DA’s Office is partially funded by county property taxes. Bulloch County’s funding for the office increased from around $450,000/year from 2019 to 2021 to over $625,000 in 2024, and another $90,000 was requested this month to increase the budget to $715,000 in 2025.
Daphne Totten (R) (Incumbent)

BIO: I was elected District Attorney in 2020 and served over 20 years in the DA's office as a career prosecutor including as Chief Assistant DA under DA Richard Mallard. I manage a staff of over 40 people including 15 attorneys in two offices in Springfield and Statesboro.
Servant leadership has always been a high priority to me serving on boards of local organizations. I serve as the Secretary for the DA's Association of Georgia and will become Vice-President in July of 2024 and President in July of 2025. I also served as President of the Bulloch County Bar in 2004 and 2011.
PRIORITIES: Priorities if re-elected will be to continue to close more cases than are opened each year, identify and apply for additional grants to limit the amount of funding needed from the four counties in our circuit, and we will enhance our prosecution of gang related crimes and crimes involving the use of firearms through the use of funds from a Gang Prosecution Grant we were awarded in 2024 that will assist in the identification and prosecution of members of criminal gangs who are engaged in criminal activity.
General Election Candidates
These elections will be determined on November 5, 2024. These candidates have no primary party opposition.
Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Seat 1A
Ryan Brannen (R) (Challenger)

BIO: My name is Ryan Brannen. I'm running for County Commission seat 1-A. I'm a lifelong 5th generation farmer here in Bulloch county. My family and previous generations have lived in my district their whole lives. Ive served on local school boards. I am a member at First Baptist Statesboro serving on the safety team. I've farmed and ran other businesses since I was in high school. I feel like I have the common sense experience needed to put our citizens of our beautiful county first. Transparency and communication are key attributes that are important in the office I am seeking. Please, I would like to earn your vote. Thank you!
PRIORITIES: Upon election my priorities are simple. I want to figure out how we can minimize our tax rate hikes and still have businesses come to our beautiful county. Folks can't keep living on fixed incomes with inflation at an all time high and keep getting an increase in tax bills. I want to also figure out a plan moving forward to conserve our beautiful farmland. We like to praise farmers and our love for agriculture but then turn around and don't bat an eye at its demise. It's the elephant in the room. We also need to reevaluate our ebatements for businesses moving in. We have a business environment rich county. They will come. That is just a few that are big but I hope to earn your vote and dive off head first into helping our county succeed. There are many candidates that are more than qualified to lead this county that are running against the incumbents. Thank you again and get out and vote!
Ray Mosley (D) (Incumbent)
Note - our team did not reach out to Commissioner Mosley initially due to him having no opposition in the primary. Since his challenger has submitted, we have extended the opportunity for Commissioner Mosely to respond and will update this once we receive his response.

Bulloch County Board of Commissioners Seat 2C
Len Fatica will challenge the winner of the Republican Primary for Commission 2C between incumbent Jappy Stringer (R), Bryan Pfund (R) and Nick Newkirk (R)
Len Fatica (D) (Challenger)

- Gannon University - Business and Leadership Development
- Retired Director of Public Safety for Lucent Technologies
- Vice Chair of Planning and Zoning for City of Statesboro & Etna Township in Ohio
- Vice Chair of New Business Development for Etna Township, Ohio
Community Service has been a key part of my life serving in the following capacities:
- Chairman American Red Cross Erie County and NW PA Disaster chair, Served as a Disaster team member on a number of nationwide natural disasters.
- President of the Kiwanis Club of Erie, PA, Member of the Statesboro Kiwanis Club
- President of the Rotary Club in Reynoldsburg, OH and Secretary of Downtown Rotary Club of Statesboro
- Board Member of Habitat of Humanity Statesboro.
PRIORITIES: We are going to grow as a county very rapidly. We need to handle the growth in a professional matter and with a plan in place. We need the discipline to stick to the plan, and not vary from it without good cause. As we grow we have to remember that agriculture is a key business to this county and it needs to be preserved.
Growth will also put pressure on public safety so we need a pin point plan on how to meet that needs for the citizens of the county. It does not serve the citizens to have a long waiting period for EMS, police or fire. So it makes sense to have strategic locations for these services around the county. I thank you for your continued support of the community.
Bulloch County Coroner
Chuck Francis will challenge the winner of the Democratic primary for Coroner between Deputy Coroner Craig Tremble (D) and Matthew Lovett (D)
Chuck Francis (R)

BIO: My name is Chuck Francis. I am the youngest son of John and Cora Francis. I was born and raised in Bulloch county and have lived here for all but a year and half for my fifty three years. I started my public service as a volunteer firefighter in my early twenties. I then became an EMT followed by completing my LPN diploma. I worked at Bulloch Memorial hospital while I studied Paramedic Technology and finished my core classes at Georgia Southern. I worked as a Paramedic while I completed my Bachelor of Science in Nursing. As I continued my career in healthcare, I became a Deputy Coroner. I have been with the office for twenty two years my experience in healthcare and with the Coroner’s office has afforded me the opportunity to serve the citizens of Bulloch county. I feel that it is an honor and privilege to do so.
PRIORITIES: If elected, I plan to continue to serve the citizens of Bulloch county. I will pull from my years of medical experience to provide the citizens with the care and compassion that they deserve. I Will competently uphold the laws concerning death investigation and use my knowledge and experience as well as all of the resources available to determine the cause and manor of death.