Liz Corbett, founder of The Button, a nonprofit organization that fills requests for various toiletries and personal hygiene items for students in Statesboro, was emotional as she addressed the crowd of volunteers who had come to help assemble more than 1,400 bags for local students in need of basic self-care items.
"There are many parents that have to choose between feeding their children and helping them to stay clean," Corbett said, noting that hygiene products are not covered by government assistance programs.
The Button, now in its second year, hosts two major giveaways a year for area children: one in the summer and one for the Christmas break. These giveaways are intended to get families without funds for toiletries through extended breaks when their children are not in school. Throughout the school year, students can visit a link to specifically request what they need.
"This is God's way of reaching into some of these homes that we don't even know exist," Corbett explained, citing The Button as a ministry.
Before the packing commenced, the crowd bowed their heads and prayed for the families who would soon receive the bags.

Corbett and friends streamlined the event, including markings on the floor to indicate where the bagging lines began and ended. Volunteers started with a drawstring bag, each a designated color depending on the age and gender of the recipient, and walked in an orderly fashion along what resembled a grocery store aisle dropping much-needed hygiene products into the backpack.
Myriad bottles of shampoo and conditioner, bars of soap, and other personal care items were neatly organized in rows to make assembling an easy and enjoyable process.
Throughout the evening, Corbett was demonstrative about her gratitude to the community who has donated items, time, and care to support The Button.
"Thank you; this is making a difference," she said.
To learn more about The Button, please visit their Facebook page.