East Georgia Regional Medical Center (EGRMC) honored Shirley Lipsey for her 50 years of service working at the hospital. When introducing her, Shannon Farlow described Lipsey as someone who has changed so many lives including patients and coworkers. She makes a difference in every patient she cares for and continues to take a full patient load and does her job well! Lipsey continues to run circles around the newer nurses and on occasion picks up an extra shift. She is an inspiration to anyone who meets her.
In addition to Lipsey, EGRMC honored 118 employees for their years of service to the hospital and community with a dinner at the Nessmith-Laner building on the GS campus.
The EGRMC employees recognized had a combined 1,470 years of service to the local hospital spanning over 50 years. The service awards dinner was held at the Nesmith Lane building on the Georgia Southern campus. Each employee with more than 20 years of service was recognized individually.
All of the EGRMC employees honored have been working at the hospital much longer than the current CEO Stephen Pennington, who has been in Statesboro four years, along with most of the leadership. Many of them have worked at the hospital longer than any of the doctors currently serving our community.
Most of the employees worked in the old Bulloch Memorial Hospital before the new hospital was constructed in 2000.
Stephen Pennington, EGRMC CEO opened the program with a welcome and EGRMC Chaplin Joey Fennell provided the invocation.
The presentations of the award were made by:
- Stephen Pennington, Chief Executive Officer
- Mike Black, Human Resources Director
- John White, Chief Financial Officer
- David Schott, Chief Operating Officer
- Marie Burdett, Chief Nursing Officer
- Beth Simmons, Chief Quality Officer
- Cullen Summers, Asst Chief Executive Officer
Musical entertainment was provided by Miranda Winter and Frank Fortune.
EGRMC Service Awards Recipients
5 Year Recipients
- Ben Covington, ER
- Kristina Bruce, Hosp Group
- Heather Mascarello, Peds
- Julia Campbell, Med/Surg
- Casey Stovall, Med/Surg
- Karyl Parker, Rehab
- Vanessa Barnes, Med/Surg
- Jamie Harris, Plant Ops
- Taylor Kimbrell, Med/Surg
- Paula Lanier, OR
- Caleb King, Med/Surg
- Ashley Gordy, Med/Surg
- Dr. Wayne Bryan, Hosp Group
- Tammie Furman, Clinics
- Jessica Williams, ICU
- Blake Thompson, Tele
- Sara Smith, ER
- Tara Sanders, ICU
- Janna Blackwell, OR
- Jeanna Smith, Pain Mgt
- Amanda Williams, ER
- Morgan Nickles, Pain Mgt
- Allison Cross, Med/Surg
- Janie Bailey, Rehab
- Belinda Ndow, Lab
- Laura Gordon, Case Mgt
- Cheyenne Dorsey, Radiology
- Patricia Eason, EVS
- Jeff Veres, Central
- May Cox, EVS
- Cattina Coats, EVS
- Antoinette Davis, Med/Surg
- Allison Kilby, Lab
- Jessica Mitchell, Nursery
- Leah Wiktorowski, Nutrition
- Allen Brannen, Plant Ops
- Terri James, Lab
- Lesli Martin, Education
- Michaela Dickerson, CCU
- Aisha Knight, Tele
- Melissa Whitaker, Scheduling
- Betty Graham, Scheduling
- Angela Aeger, Clinics
- Miranda Murray, ICU
- Shakevia Brown, Clinics
- Dr. Dawn Mannings, Hosp Group
- Allison Lightsey, WP
- Alexandria Parsons, Lab
- Jeremy Ennis, Lab
- Emily Ella, Nutrition
10 Year Recipients
- Christopher Chumley, Cath Lab
- Matthew Winship, Radiology
- Rose Haddock, Pain Mgt
- Jenna Rahn, Rehab
- Tracey Stripling, Pharmacy
- Elaine Lucas, Med/Surg
- Angelia Morris, ICU
- Edith Cooper, Clinics
- Brittany Young, Nutrition
- Amber Lewis, Radiology
- Sarah Singletary, Cath Lab
- Ashleigh Jones, PACU
- Brittany Davis, ER
- Mary Gilbreth, Pain Mgt
- Maggie Forehand, Med/surg
- Kristen Ivey, L&D
- James Freeman, Pharmacy
- Susan Fast, Clinics
15 Year Recipients
- Teree Holloway, Wound Care
- Melanie Shranko, Clinics
- Cassandra Gibbons, Endo
- Angela Roberts, Pharmacy
- Kelli Shingler, PACU
- Starr Hurst, Endo
- Amanda Cleary, ICU
- Priscilla Giella, Lab
- Melissa Brown, Lab
- Stacey Hodges, HIM
- Mary Waters, Case Mgt
- Tammy Lynn, Rehab
- Aida Leon, Admissions
- Lindsey Lewis, HIM
- Karen Buff, OR
- Jennifer Lare, Clinics
- Tonya Eagle, Cath Lab
- Benji Johnson, Inf Services
- Mandy Powell, Clinics
- Fayette Harden, Pharmacy
- 20 Year Recipients
- Geneva Witherspoon, ACU
- April Iler, OR
- Brook Moye, OR
- Shae Williams, PACU
- Kelly Bruce, CPS
- Kayce Emrich, Radiology
- Shana Deal, WP
- Gina Hammack, Nursery
- Samantha Miller, Cath Lab
- Tracy Williams, OR
- Dr. Brian Moogerfeld, Clinics
25 Year Recipients
- Chris Black, Case Mgt
- Claudette Akins, HIM
- Tracy Strickland, Clinics
- Joanne Sabb, Clinics
- Cassie Dickerson, EVS
- Dr. Andrew Cichelli, Clinics
30 Year Recipients
- Jill Boykin, Finance
- Allison Stetson, Lab
- Melissa Lewis, WP
- Renee Deal, SDS
- Cynthia Young, Lab
- Dr. Carla Branch, Clinics
35 Year Recipients
- Tracy Colbert, Med/Surg
- Connie Sherrod, Lab
- Angela Reddick, Med/Surg
- Wayne Ruffin, EVS
40 Year Recipient
- Jane Flack, ER
50 Year Recipient
- Shirley Lipsey, Med/Surg