What a treasure chest of memories and the very sweet times we have shared with our Moms, Grandmothers, bonus Moms and the special people that stood in the gap as Moms.
Seniors, on this Mother's Day I encourage you to reflect back and cherish the ‘tidbits’ that we have been BLESSED with, the lessons we have learned and sometimes even the hardships we have endured.
I say to all of you, you're the best! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!!
Motherhood’s definition is “a state of being a mother." It is a very special bond that is unique like none other.

MUM, MOM or MAMA , whatever you choose to call your Mother, it all means the same, “I love you." It is not as it appears at times, but it is ‘what it is’.
My MUM, (Canadian for Mom), Fanny Edith Budovitch was a woman before her time with a NO limitation attitude. The strongest, bravest, and most determined woman I have ever known. She was always putting me and my brother, Michael Budovitch, before herself. She taught me “quitting was NOT an option," to serve with a ‘grateful heart’ and be respectful no matter what the situation.
Granny, as we called her, would have been so totally thrilled to see her only granddaughter, Kirsten Patterson happily married to Steve and would adore being called ‘Great-Granny Fanny’ to their twin boys Blake and Heath.
DID I say Generational??
Well , there is Kirsten, my daughter, my only child that I love and admire as an amazing woman, wife, mother (sporty-type at times), professional as an occupational therapist, great friend and most of all being MY daughter with a huge GOD LOVING heart.
She has brought me so much joy and happiness. Too many moments to mention them all. She continues blessing me with “over the top '' lavish fun gifts when not expected and being by my side when and if the occasion calls. She is a MOTHER and DAUGHTER extraordinaire.
YES, YES, Seniors, she has brought many happy tears to my eyes!....sob sob
She manages her home, family activities and work space in the most organized order that could land her a television reality show without question.
That much she didn't learn directly from me but indirectly!!!
I want to mention three treasures she has given me that I hold dear.
First is a small card she gave me at Christmas 2002 when she was recently engaged and it reads:
“Some people only read about heroes" and you flip it over and it says, "I call my mom!”
I carry that with me constantly.
Secondly, she commented on a Facebook post when I wrote my first ‘Senior Moment’ article with Grice Connect, "looks like we have a new writer in the family." My heart burst with excitement to surprisingly read that.
And thirdly for giving me my amazing twin grandsons. Without her and her loving husband, Steve, I would not be GRANDMA!
Seniors, there is no better moment than this, when your child expresses her love in such a private and then in a public way.
We all crave and LOVE the unsolicited acts of kindness, especially from our children!!!
Seniors, don't we always look for the GOOD?

Savor these sweet Senior Moments!
So to sum up this very unique and special day in our lives, look for the mini BLESSINGS, Seniors. Toss the trivia and enjoy the GOD-GIVEN gifts of Motherhood, from the Past to the Present to the Future.
These are the greatest gifts we could ever receive. To be loved, adored and cherished by our children and grandchildren.
Have a fantastic and a very enjoyable, Senior Moment!