Dear Family, friends and citizens of Bulloch County:
So often in life, we fail take the opportunity to count our blessings and be thankful for the important things such as our faith, family, good health and community. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the citizens of Bulloch County for their unwavering support throughout the years.
This journey started long before I considered serving on your Board of Commissioners. Most of you know that I am a native Bulloch Countian and have worked in my family’s carpet business since I was a small boy. I have seen Statesboro and Bulloch County grow and thrive over my lifetime. My wife, Deborah and I have raised our children in this nurturing community, and we cannot imagine living anywhere else.
In 2004, I decided to throw my hat in the race for county commissioner. I knew the importance of public service and felt called to give back to the community that had been so good to me and my family. I have never regretted that decision and have been honored to serve and provide consistent leadership for twenty years. The job of Chairman is laborious and time consuming, but I can’t imagine giving my neighbors anything less than my best effort.
The support of my family has never wavered, and I am grateful to have met so many of you and developed life-long friendships. As commissioners, we must make many difficult choices. We rely on the best information available and the hard work of our staff. The biggest decisions weigh on us all, but rest assured we always have your best interests at heart.
I have considered serving my community in this capacity as one of the crowning achievements of my lifetime. It has been an honor and privilege to work for you. As I look around the world and see so much dismay, I realize how fortunate we are to live in America and especially Bulloch County. In my mind, the highest callings of citizenship are: military service, jury duty and the obligation to vote. The right to vote is the bedrock our country is built on and I encourage you to exercise this right.
If you choose to re-elect me this Tuesday, May 21st, in the Republican Primary, I will be humbly grateful.
God bless you,
Roy & Deborah Thompson
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