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3 Fool-Proof Signs You're Ready to Date!

Grice Connects love-seeking Brandon Robinson shares three signs that scream you are ready for LOVE. Singles, let’s face it. We want LOVE! Everybody. Wants. Love. But sometimes the journey to love, can be long, winding, and discouraging.

Singles, let’s face it. We want LOVE! Everybody. Wants. Love. But sometimes the journey to love can be long, winding, and discouraging. Especially when you’re running around in circles trying to figure out what you’re doing wrong and where you’re going wrong! I’ve had an assortment of dating experiences over the past few years. And from each of them, I've extracted what I needed to learn about myself moving forward.

How about you? Do you ever feel like romance is NEVER going to find you? Like you should just sit on the sidelines of the dating pool for the next few years? LIES! We are not walking away from love.

Well...not until we walk through my 3 Signs to determine if we’re ready for that unwritten romantic road, at least.

Sharing is caring my beautiful single soldiers. So here we go.

Sign 1: You can handle romantic rejection.

This is probably the most important one. Rejection happens. It’s a part of life no matter how you look at it. I’ve been rejected in the morning. I’ve been rejected in the evening. I’ve been rejected once on Monday and twice on Friday. It’s a part of life. And the quicker you become comfortable with the rejection, is the quicker that you’ll meet the lover that’s meant for you.

Rejection helps you fortify your emotional strength and sense of self-worth. So oftentimes, it serves a greater purpose than just making you feel unchosen along the romantic journey. Also please remember that rejection is no reflection on your inner worth. Humans have such complicated internal preference structures, that you would drive yourself crazy trying to mold yourself to all of them.

Just be happy, healthy, and authentic is all.

And if the person you’re interested in can't take the all of you, then that person is simply not for you.



Sign 2: You see dating as a fun experience as opposed to a losing battle.

One of the reasons dating can be such a complicated experience is because you’re dealing with humans. And humans are one of those life wonders that can’t be completely controlled. You know--free will and all.

So, if you happen to be a control freak like me, take care to ensure that you are stepping into the dating pool as relaxed and open as possible. Have fun. Don’t see it as a task to be completed, but rather as a FUN endeavor to be experienced. Get to know others! But also, allow others to get to know YOU.

You are a unique strand of DNA that is a once in a lifetime occurrence. You will literally never be duplicated again. So shine your light my beautiful single soldiers.

And dance with the JOYS of dating when you enter that grand party!


Sign 3: You are an emotionally available individual who is open to experiencing life alongside someone else.

Sometimes, you don’t realize how emotionally available you’re NOT until you step into that tempestuous dating game. There’s no way around it: you must be open and vulnerable when stepping onto that romantic roller coaster. It’s the chief pre-requisite to romance, I’d say.

Equally important is that you must be willing to commit the necessary time and efforts to getting to know someone else. And if you suffer from chronic workaholism like me, then it’s important to keep abreast of your hustling ways. Otherwise, you may be at risk of jeopardizing your romantic connections.

My advice to all my single soldiers everywhere is to look within yourself and ask if you have the time to invest into someone else romantically, as well as be invested into reciprocally. That answer isn’t always easily seen or spotted.

So, take the time you need to explore where you are currently, emotionally speaking!


Love yourself first

I could go on and on with at least 25 more signs to look for within yourself, and others, to know whether you’re truly ready for romance.

But the truth is, you will never be fully ready.

And oftentimes, love finds you when you aren’t even looking for it.

So, when you are dating, no matter what, be open, be yourself, and have fun! It’s not that serious, y’all.

However, what is serious is that you love YOURSELF first. Now THAT is the ultimate pre-requisite to anything; Because you are already whole and complete in-and-of yourself, simply as you are now. So, please don’t go running around the world, chasing and beseeching love. Instead, turn that pursuit back on yourself.

And in doing so, you’ll attract every good thing to you in the right way, at the right time. But on the journey to requited romance, here are some "check-in" signs to ensure that you are headed in the right direction.

And not to spoil the ending of your love story, but it is going to happen, just for you.