The Budweiser Clydesdales rolled into Statesboro last week in a convoy of tractor trailers and support vehicles ready to thrill thousands. The base camp for the Clydesdales was the Bulloch County Agriculture Complex.

The Statesboro visit was in part because of a sponsorship partnership with GS and to participate in the "Eagle Walk" at the GS Eagles game. They allowed pubic visits of the Clydesdales on Thursday and Friday at the Ag Complex. The Clydesdales team was amazed at the crowds at the Ag Complex and at other events including the hitching ceremony on Saturday at the GS Bookstore.
"I last saw them back in the 60's on Broad street in Augusta,"
Don Burke
The team ambassador said they were not expecting "State Fair" level crowds but were thrilled by the enthusiasm and excitement to see the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales.
Thousands of excited fans stood in long long lines wrapped around the Ag Complex to see Clydesdales both nights and have their picture mades with the famous horses.

Grice Connect spoke with visitors who had traveled from across Georgia and even some from out of state that had driven to Statesboro just for an opportunity to see the Clydesdales.
Watch the full hitching ceremony below:
The Hitching Ceremony
On Saturday, November 19th, 2022, hundreds came to the GS Bookstore to watch the hitching ceremony. The ceremony lasted a little over an hour. One by one we saw the giant horses brought from their trailer, outfitted and connected to the Budweiser wagon. Once they were all attached, a GS VIP GUS was allowed to ride on top of the wagon which traveled from the GS Bookstore to Paulson Stadium and back.
"I was there it was great to see. I was by the first truck at the end. My mother, brother and I drove 3 hours to see them,"
LaUnna Walker
The horses left around 3:45 PM and went down Chandler Road, cutting through plant drive, passing by the GS RAC, and finally stopping by Paulson Stadium for pictures and to participate in the "Eagle Walk". They then marched back stopping at Dingus Magee’s before finally heading back to the Russell Union Parking Lot.
Photos from the hitching ceremony
A Budweiser tradition since 1933
This show of horsepower originates from way back in 1933. After the repeal of prohibition, to celebrate, August Anheuser Busch Sr. was given a hitch of 8 Budweiser Clydesdales as a gift from his sons. These horses would help load up beer in Busch’s wagon from the brewery at St Louis.
Since then, it has been a tradition for the Clydesdales to tour the country showing off Budweiser beer. The horses that toured the campus were based in St.Louis, Missouri, and are one of three traveling teams that travel across the country all year.