Friends of the Library offering FREE BOOKS Friday and Saturday

Friends of the Statesboro-Bulloch County Library

Since March 3, the Friends of the Library (FOL) bookstore has hosted a "Keeping It Green" discount book sale every Friday and Saturday from 9am to 1pm. The bookstore is located at 6 Proctor Street, across from the Statesboro Herald, and the sale is held in the building directly beside it, to the right (the old Maxway).

To mark the end of the sale, the FOL is offering as many books as you can carry for FREE this Friday and Saturday, March 31 and April 1, during the regular sale hours.

Stop by to help them do some spring cleaning and to find your next great read!

Regular hours for the bookstore, which is open year-round, are 9am-1pm on Fridays and Saturdays. The bookstore accepts donations in good clean condition during business hours.

Prices for books vary on specialty books throughout the store, but generally, prices are as follows:

  • Mass Market Paperbacks: $0.50
  • Trade Paperbacks: $1
  • Hardbacks: $2
  • Library Discards: 3/$1
  • DVDs: $1
  • Audio: $0.50
  • Children's Books: One free, others $1

The proceeds from the store go to the library for funding, including adult and children's programs. Check out FOL on Facebook  to keep up to date on latest events, nuggets of wisdom, and new books! For more information, email

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