Live Streams from Bulloch County Faith Community

This morning we witnessed a powerful stand of unity as our faith community came together this week to respond in extraordinary ways to the COVID-19 crisis.  Our social media feeds were filled with places of worship of all sizes going online, many for the first time ever.  Throughout the week we heard stories of younger, more social media savvy pastors reaching out to other pastors to help them get their serves online.

Bulloch VOAD Help for Worship Leaders

Bullloch VOAD on their critical information website included an entire section to help the faith based communities adapt.  Reach out to Bulloch VOAD if your church needs help with technology and we will connect you to organizations and companies locally who will help.

Worship Leaders Provide Hope, Encourage Faith

Together they shared a common message of hope and a reminder that even in the darkest hour this the greatest opportunity for people of faith to step up and lead our community forward.

In a time of so much miss information and confusion with what is fake and what it real, many in our community rely on their religious leaders as the source of truth.  They follow everything they do and know that they will only do what is best for them and their families.

To see pastors lead by not allowing their congregation to come together, many of which are in the highest risk categories, and encouraging them to make sacrifices now so we can get through as quickly as possible is very encouraging.

There is no handbook on this storm.  They are in the storm with us and doing everything in their power to lift us up and out of this crisis.

Live Streams of Local Services

Here are a few of the feeds from 23 local churches throughout Bulloch County and two national churches that showed in our news feed.  These are in no particular order.  Please share with people who don’t have Facebook so they can view a service,

March 22, 2020 Pittman Park Online from Pittman Park on Vimeo.

Even Global Pastors are on message:

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