Tickets on sale now for family friendly "Perfect Little Planet" at GS Planetarium

The Georgia Southern Planetarium will offer its next exciting show on Friday, February 23, and this is sure to be their most popular yet! "Perfect Little Planet" is a show made especially for kids with great animations and interesting information. It is typically shown to school groups, and this will be the first time the planetarium is making it available as a public event.

Shows will be at 6pm, 7pm, and 8pm, with a run time of about 25 minutes for the actual show. The planetarium's Dillon Marcy will also provide an interactive portion in which viewers will see impressive size comparisons of planets, the moon, the sun, and stars.

The Size of the Sun

Viewers of the show will go on an adventure with an alien family and their robot travel guide as they explore the solar system and search for the best planet to vacation on.

Imagine the ultimate space vacation! Discover our solar system through a new set of eyes – a family from another star system seeking the perfect vacation spot. Fly over the surface of the Dwarf Planet Pluto. Dive over the ice cliffs of Miranda. Sail through the icy rings of Saturn. Feel the lightning storms of Jupiter, and walk on the surface of Mars. Which destination would you choose? A solar system journey for space travelers of all ages! Produced by the Clark Planetarium, Salt Lake City, UT.

Alien siblings checking out Mars

In 2023, about 8,300 people visited the planetarium for its shows, and the staff is looking forward to welcoming the public again in 2024!

Tickets are $4 and on sale now HERE. For more information, contact Dillon Marcy at 912-478-5292 or

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