Kennedy Pond Conservancy aims to protect 300-acre Bulloch County wetland

Once heavily forested with old-growth cypress and fringed with black gum, Kennedy Pond is a spring-fed Carolina bay wetland that was logged and dammed during the last century in an attempt to create an open-water lake and leisure community. A Carolina bay is an elliptical wetland unique to the East Coast of the United States, and known for its distinct hydrology and geology. These elements form a niche micro-ecosystem supporting a rich diversity of plant and animal species.

Our goal at Kennedy Pond Conservancy is to ensure the long-term ecological health and function of this ~300 acre wetland, as well as assess its overall contribution to regional biodiversity. We will accomplish this goal through restoration, scientific research, education, and community enrichment.

We envision a future where the natural ecosystem of Kennedy Pond thrives, promotes biodiversity, increases biomass, and creates opportunities for a deep connection between people and nature.

Black-bellied Whistling Ducks at Kennedy Pond

Kennedy Pond is a significant ecological site in Bulloch County, and is among the largest of its kind in Georgia, including areas of open water, marsh, shrub bog, cypress forest, and fringe tupelo swamp. This major inland wetland serves as an important refuge and watering area for all manner of wildlife, including wintering grounds for ducks, as well as a nesting and stopover site for more than 150 resident and migrant bird species.

We at Kennedy Pond Conservancy will engage stakeholders and the broader community in efforts to restore and preserve Kennedy Pond through research, community participation and active stewardship, while nurturing biodiversity and ecological integrity.

We invite you to join us in this mission through volunteer opportunities, community partnerships, and financial contributions as we work toward our goals for this unique site. Email us at or visit Kennedy Pond Conservancy on Facebook.

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