DAILY REPORT | Why should children get vaccinated for COVID?

It's important for children to get the COVID vaccine to protect themselves and others. While less common than with adults, children can still get infected with COVID, in some cases experiencing severe symptoms requiring hospitalization. Children can also spread COVID, again at lower rates than adults, which puts family and friends at risk and increases the risk of a clinically important mutation occurring (potentially translating to risk of a new variant).

The CDC closely monitors COVID vaccination safety, and recommends that children 12 years or older get vaccinated. As of May 2021, the Pfizer vaccine is the only one authorized for children ages 12 to 17. Clinical trials were conducted to ensure that it is safe for this age group.


About This Report:

A special thanks to Dr. Frank Davis, M.D. F.A.C.S, a retired trauma surgeon who lives in Bulloch County. He has worked closely with the Grice Connect team to design the COVID-19 dashboard and provide brief interpretation of the data. You will be seeing and hearing more from Dr. Davis as an important member of the GC team. We will continue to update and adapt the data in this report to make it relevant. We have shifted our emphasis to vaccinations, while continuing to provide daily Coroncavirus impact.

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