DAILY REPORT | Squashing the Spread vaccine pop-up clinics a success

The City of Statesboro & Squashing the Spread Bulloch administered free COVID-19 vaccines at pop-up events Saturday morning, June 12th at both Walmart locations and Food Lion. They were not able to offer the clinic at Food World due to a scheduling conflict.

The vaccines were administered by Walmart pharmacist at the Walmart locations and by CORE a non-profit focused on vaccinations (no connection to Statesboro's CORE Credit Union).

In addition 11 volunteers staffed the pop-up vaccine clinics.

Statesboro City Council member Shari Barr and Richard Chambers Volunteer at the pop-up clinics

Volunteers reported a very good response from the community. Citizens were appreciative of this opportunity and the ease of the vaccination process.

Squashing the Spread will continue these pop-up clinics again next Saturday, June 19, 2021

Participating grocery stores:

  • Food Lion - 325 Northside Drive East
  • Food World (Spanish language assistance available) - 2949 Northside Drive West
  • Walmart - 147 Northside Drive East
  • Walmart Marketplace - 349 Brampton Avenue


About This Report:

A special thanks to Dr. Frank Davis, M.D. F.A.C.S, a retired trauma surgeon who lives in Bulloch County. He has worked closely with the Grice Connect team to design the COVID-19 dashboard and provide brief interpretation of the data. You will be seeing and hearing more from Dr. Davis as an important member of the GC team. We will continue to update and adapt the data in this report to make it relevant. We have shifted our emphasis to vaccinations, while continuing to provide daily Coroncavirus impact.

Thanks for supporting and following Grice Connect.


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