DAILY REPORT | Rebecca's Café offers $5 to get Vaccinated Thursday

Rebecca's Cafe is offering Statesboro and Bulloch County residents $5 CASH Thank You gifts to kind community members who help protect us all by getting vaccinated for COVID-19. The vaccination event will be held from 10 am to 12 noon on Thursday, June 10 at the Statesboro Food Bank, 400 Donnie Simmons Way.

Rebecca's Cafe closed during COVID and has remained closed due to issues with the roof on the building. They will not be serving food tomorrow, however Jodi Brannon and team members from the Statesboro Food Bank will be on hand to distribute some staple food items.

Ben Ross of Forest Heights Pharmacy and his team will be administering the vaccinations.

If you have not been vaccinated for COVID-19, this is your chance. Every citizen who get vaccinates helps our community stay COVID free.


About This Report:

A special thanks to Dr. Frank Davis, M.D. F.A.C.S, a retired trauma surgeon who lives in Bulloch County. He has worked closely with the Grice Connect team to design the COVID-19 dashboard and provide brief interpretation of the data. You will be seeing and hearing more from Dr. Davis as an important member of the GC team. We will continue to update and adapt the data in this report to make it relevant. We have shifted our emphasis to vaccinations, while continuing to provide daily Coroncavirus impact.

Thanks for supporting and following Grice Connect.


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