SEB teacher enters retirement helping a former student Jason Michael Carpenter

SEB Teacher Scott Palmer is raising funds for Jason Michael

Southeast Bulloch High School (SEB), in Bulloch County, Georgia, teacher Scott Palmer retired this year after teaching for 32 years. During those 32 years, many students touched his heart, but maybe none like Jason Michael a 16 year old student at SEB.

From Hopeless to HopeFUL

Jason Michael Carpenter was born on Jan 24, 2006, 7 weeks premature and spent his first month of life in the NICU. After a year of genetic testing, MRIs, blood draws and doctors visits, he was diagnosed at 18 months old with CMT1E. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1E is a form of the disease, which is a group of rare conditions that affect the peripheral nerves.

His parents were told when he was diagnosed that he would never walk, crawl or sit. Through years of physical and occupational therapy and his own determination, he has overcome all odds and refuses to be defined by them.

Wants to drive

Now he is 16 years old and wants to drive like any other teenager but he once again has to overcome obstacles that face him. In order to drive, he will need adaptive driving equipment that will cost his parents close to $40,000 to buy and have installed. That does not including the vehicle.

Jason Michael

His parents, Jason and Christie Carpenter, have used their own time and resources to drive him to Atlanta several times a month since April 2021 for adaptive driving lessons. They are the kind of parents that children dream of- selfless, kind and determined to do anything for their children’s happiness. They work hard and strive to be the best parents they can be but helping their son reach THIS goal might be their hardest challenge.

Help this remarkable young man if you can

If you feel it in your heart to help make this sweet 16 year old’s year sweeter by helping his driving dream come true (and to help take away a new stress on his parents’ shoulders) please consider donating.

"It was a great 32 years. The past 4 months I have had a great time with one particular student. He made every day a great day. Jason Michael is one of those students that every teacher dreams of having in class. He is a straight A student and says yes sir and no sir, yes mam and no mam. He has great parents that work very hard," said Scott Palmer. "HELP ME CELEBRATE by helping him by giving now with Venmo @Spalmer_1986. He had to have some adapted equipment put on his truck so he could drive. Any money I receive will go to help pay for that equipment. I have always put students first and I want to end my teaching career by helping one more student. Thanks and God bless!!!"

In the past 32 years, if you have been a student of Mr. Palmer or a co-worker, who has been touched by him, please consider this as way to thank him for his unselfish commitment and dedication to so many.

Teacher touched by Jason Michael

"Scott Palmer has been a ray of sunshine for Jason Michael this last 4 months. Jm looked forward to going to school everyday" said Christie Carpenter. "Thank you so much for all you do for your students. You have such a big heart !! Congrats on your retirement."

Heather Stuart, Jason Michaels cousin has also made a gofundme to help raise some funds for him. You can give that way below:

Grice Good seems a little insignificant when you experience compassion and love like this expressed in such a remarkable way. Nevertheless, Scott Palmer, you are more than GRICE GOOD. You are an inspiration to all of us. Thank you for making a difference.

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