Bulloch County Schools Will Not Close At This Time

Statement from Bulloch County Schools:

At this point, Bulloch County Schools plans to remain open.  However, restrictions have been put into place to limit travel and events outside of the county, including employee work-related travel, as well as student trips.  We continue to remain in contact with local public health officials. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has prepared guidelines entitled, Considerations for School Closures, which we are using as an expert guide. Governor Brian Kemp affirmed on Thursday that any decisions to close schools are a local one. We encourage all families to be prepared, manage your individual situations, and act reasonably and responsibly.

We encourage everyone to adhere to best practices to prevent the spread of germs and viruses.  Visit www.bullochschools.org/covid19 for the latest answers to your frequently asked questions about our operations, events, and athletics and helpful COVID-19 resources provided to us by the Centers for Disease Control, the Georgia Department of Public Health, the Governor’s Office, and the Georgia Department of Education.

“This is a rapidly evolving situation, so we will continuously monitor any new information as it is made available and act appropriately. Our priority is the safety of our students and staff, as well as maintaining our focus on effective instruction.”

Reminder:  Monday, March 16 is a scheduled student holiday. Our schools will be closed on this day for a professional learning day for all faculty and staff.

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