Ann Hester Named 2022 OTC Goal Winner

Credit: OTC

Ann Hester, a 2005 Ogeechee Technical College graduate and returning student, was named OTC’s 2022 Georgia Occupational Award of Leadership (GOAL) winner during a reception at OTC.

Hester, who earned an associate degree in Accounting and a certificate in Customer Service in 2005, has returned to OTC to earn her second associate degree in Business Technology. Looking to advance her career at Brodie International, Ann Hester decided it was time to come back and earn additional credentials.

“I returned to school to grow in the field of technology to obtain more employment opportunities and make myself more marketable,” said Hester. “Being OTC’s GOAL winner is an honor that I do not take lightly. I feel as if a new chapter in my life is being written. The support and encouragement to begin again is the highlight of new beginnings for me.”

One day Hester hopes to earn a third degree in Logistics to improve her resume and ability to market her skillset. Michael Twisdale, a Business Technology instructor at OTC, nominated Hester for the competition and knew he saw something special in her.

“Ann has demonstrated a love for learning that I’ve not seen in some time. I have great respect for her,” said Twisdale. “In addition to having firsthand knowledge of Ann’s academic commitment, I’m familiar with her career goals and her ability to promote technical education to others across Georgia, and cannot think of anyone more deserving to be OTC’s GOAL winner.”

Also awarded at the reception was GOAL runner-up Mary Emma Gainous, and finalists Kelcie King, and Tiffany Underwood. Following OTC’s nomination, Hester will interview in the regional competition in Tifton on March 2. If selected as one of three finalists from the region she will move on to compete for the state title the week of April 25-28 in Atlanta.

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