Statesboro First UMC offers Holy Week Outdoor Stations of the Cross

Statesboro First United Methodist Church invites the community to walk, pray and meditate to an outdoor exhibit of Stations of the Cross during Holy Week.

The Stations of the Cross will be available Sunday, March 28 through Saturday, April 3 on the front lawn of the church, at 101 South Main Street.

This is a journey for all ages with opportunities to read scripture and brief reflections, meditate on inspiring artwork, and pray.

In light of Statesboro First United Methodist Church's continuing commitment to offer opportunities to practice faith safely, during the global COVID-19 pandemic, making this available outdoors is a natural option.

You can learn more at

About the Stations of the Cross:

For centuries people in the Christian faith would make yearly pilgrimages to Jerusalem to walk and pray in the places where Jesus lived the last days of his life - to follow his footsteps as he journeyed to the cross. As Christianity spread, and people could no longer make pilgrimages to Jerusalem, the practice of praying the Stations of the Cross in local settings emerged. Instead of physically journeying to Jerusalem, a series of stations were set up with artwork depicting scenes of Jesus' journey to the cross to remind believers of the suffering and death of their Savior.

Easter Sunday Services

Easter begins with a 7:00AM Outdoor Sunrise service, on the front lawn of the church. After the Sunrise Service the Statesboro First United Methodist Men will serve breakfast outdoors under the tent.

Another Outdoor worship service will be offered at 10:00AM for those who want to worship with others on Easter with a little extra fresh air and distancing.

Contemporary Worship will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 9:01 & 11:00AM led by our 901 and REVIVE bands.

A brass ensemble from Georgia Southern University will accompany our Traditional Worship services in the Sanctuary at 8:30 and 11:00AM.

Congregational singing will return to Statesboro First beginning on Easter Sunday in all services. To help facilitate singing safely, we ask that everyone remain masked for the duration of the service.

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