National Do Something Nice Day: Be #GriceGood in the Boro

At Grice Connect, we aim to bring you all the important and breaking news you need as a citizen of Statesboro and Bulloch County.

But we also want to bring you the good news -- stories about neighbors helping neighbors, organizations caring for those in need, and other things that will make you smile and see what a great community we live in.

Today, on National Do Something Nice Day, be the "Grice Good" in our community. Just one small gesture or a kind word can go a long way in making someone else's day!

If you have good news to share, please let us know! Is someone going above and beyond with kindness and caring in our community? Is there a local who is always doing good deeds for others? A business that really takes care of its customers? If so, we'd love to share it. Email us at!

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