Be Grice Good this Giving Tuesday|We appreciate your support of Grice Connect

Tuesday, November 29, 2022, is the annual GivingTuesday. GivingTuesday is a growing global generosity movement that drives giving and collective action in communities around the world.

GivingTuesday was launched in 2012 as a simple idea: to create a day that encourages people to do good. Over the past ten years, this idea has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity.People demonstrate generosity in many ways on GivingTuesday. Whether it’s helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving to causes we care about, every act of generosity counts.

This Giving Tuesday, reach out and do a good deed for a friend, a neighbor, or even a stranger. Or make a donation (even a small one) to a local organization doing good in our community. You could even donate your time. While you're at it, encourage others to do the same.

Be the Grice Good in
Statesboro and Bulloch County!

Giving Newsday

Here at Grice Connect, we also know it as Giving Newsday. It is the one day a year we are all reminded of the importance of supporting organizations that make a difference in our lives and community through journalism.

We work hard every day to make a difference in Statebsoro and Bulloch County. Nearly 10,000 Statesboro-Bulloch County citizens subscribe to our FREE Bulloch Daily emails and tens of thousands more follow our work daily for FREE on social media or by going directly to GriceConnect.Com.

If there is a breaking news event in Statesboro and Bulloch County, the first place citizens turn to learn more is Grice Connect.

If there is severe weather or a hurricane coming our way, the first place citizens turn to learn more is Grice Connect.

If there is ground being cleared for new construction, the first place citizens turn to learn more is Grice Connect.

If you want to know what fun events are going on for your family for the weekend, the first place citizens turn to is Grice Connect.

If you want to know who has died in our community, the first place citizens turn to is Grice Connect.

We could go on, but if you are frequent follower and fan of Grice Connect, you understand the important role Grice Connect now plays in connecting our community to important information. Simply put, Grice Connect is the first choice for news in Statesboro and Bulloch County.

When you need us most, we are here for you because we understand a connected and well informed community leads to a more engaged and caring community.

We would be honored if you would take this GivingTuesday opportunity to join us by supporting our work at Grice Connect.

Keeping our news free for all

When we launched Grice Connect, we made the decision to keep all of our content on our site available to everyone for free. We believe a well informed community is a more connected community. And a more connected community will make a larger "social good" impact in the lives of so many.

Barriers of entry, like paywalls, push people away from important local news and community events that bring us together. Because of this, our goal remains keeping all of our content available to our readers for free.

Local news is important in giving a community a trusted voice. This voice continues to diminish as more younger adults are drawn to social media as their news source. Having a viable, digital option is important to help close this news and information gap. That is what we are aiming to provide at Grice Connect.

Of course, it is not free to produce our stories or to keep our site running. So to continue this valuable service to our community, we humbly ask those of you who are able: please join us with your financial support. Your financial support will allow everyone to keep enjoying DAILY local news, events, and obituaries seven days a week -- delivered straight to your inbox or however else you follow Grice Connect.

How you can help

Even with a small staff and a team of freelance writers, it is expensive to manage payroll and the technical costs of keeping a high traffic and high quality news website online and updated with fresh information seven days per week.

Grice Connect costs $887 per day to operate. Each story you read on Grice Connect costs between $25 and $120 to write and/or publish. For every story we cover, there are at least five every day we don't have the resources to get to.

Your investment of only $10 per month or $120 annually can cover the cost of one to five stories.

Your gift of $20 per month or $240 annually can cover the cost of five to ten stories.

According to PEW research 15% of Americans in communities similar in size to Statesboro are willing to pay for local news. If only 15% (1,500 subscribers) of our email subscribers would support Grice Connect with a small gift of $10 per month, that would cover half of our daily operating expenses.

A contribution to Grice Connect is a contribution to the greater good.

Subscribe to Bulloch Daily emails

Another way you can support us is to subscribe to our daily emails. If you only follow us on social media, chances are you are missing a good bit of local news, the daily events calendar, and obituaries. Facebook algorithms will only show the stories they think you would like to read. The only way to get everything we offer is by subscribing to the Bulloch Daily email. Subscribe here.

Even if you aren't able to contribute to our mission financially, we would love for you to share our newsletter and site with those who may not have heard about Grice Connect yet. Your endorsement is also extremely valuable to us!

Business sponsorship opportunities

If you own a local business in our community that is focused on making our community a better place to live, work, and play, then consider joining our efforts through sponsorship support. Reach out to our Director of Sponsor Relations, Crystal Carlic at and ask her to share more about our Community Leaders Program, Spotlight Program, and other opportunities to support local news.

Finally: THANK YOU!

If you have read this far, we sincerely thank you for your time and support. Thank you for believing in our mission enough to visit our site, tell your friends about it, and support our Facebook posts.

If you are also able to support us financially, THANK YOU for entrusting us with your hard-earned dollars and for helping us continue to bring good, reliable, local news to the people of Statesboro. YOU are GRICE GOOD!

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