Feed the Boro suprasses 2 million meals distributed in Bulloch County

Charlene Mann and Don Poe

Citizens began lining up at 9 pm on Friday night, February 2, 2024 for Feed the Boro’s monthly food drop.  Hundreds of citizens spent the night in their cars, waiting on this bountiful blessing of enough food to feed a family of four for a week.

The monthly food drops at Statesboro High School, which began in November 2020 during the height of the COVID pandemic, have become a valuable lifeline for hundreds of citizens.   The all volunteer organization,  led by Don Poe, exceeded distributing its 2 millionth meal on Saturday.

Charlene Mann was selected as the 2 millionth recipient.  In addition to the groceries, she received a $250 Food Lion gift certificate presented by Tom Perry, Food Lion South Georgia Director of Operations.

Charlene Mann accepting gift card from Tom Perry with Food Lion. DeWayne Grice

“This is amazing, simply amazing.  As a senior citizen these food distributions are such a blessing.  Thank you all so much,” said Charlene Mann.  

Food Lion is the presenting sponsor for Feed the Boro through their charity Food Lion Feeds.  A team of corporate and store leadership participated in the food drop including Billy Williams, Food Lion Divisional Vice President, Southern Division.  

“Hunger is real.  We believe that it is important that we support communities we serve in a pretty significant way.   That is why we are absolutely thrilled to support and partner with Feed the Boro in their efforts.  At Food Lion we believe that nourishing families set them up for success in life and is an important mission for our organization,” said Billy Williams, Food Lion V.P.

In addition to the volunteers,  Food Lion brought an additional tractor trailer load of food and Food Lion Feeds boxes that they distributed.

Food Lion team members distributing Food Lion Feeds boxes. DeWayne Grice

Kyle Harding, COO of Second Harvest Food Bank participated in the drop as well.  Second Harvest provides the food for the monthly drops.

Gleen Hart, GS APEX director showed up in force with student athletes from multiple sports who volunteered with the drop.

GS APEX student athlete volunteers. DeWayne Grice

Bryan Steele and Travis Bilger with Foundry Broadcasting provided a live remote throughout the morning.  They are wonderful media partners with Feed the Boro.

Travis Bilger and Bryan Steele. DeWayne Grice

The volunteers who show up month in and month out are the real stars of the Feed the Boro operation.  Every member of the Feed the Boro team volunteers their time.  The organization has no paid employees.  

Feed the Boro volunteers distributing food. DeWayne Grice

100% of donations given to the organization go directly to purchasing food and operating the monthly drops.


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