$116,274 Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds available for Bulloch nonprofits

The United Way of Southeast Georgia is making local nonprofits aware that the Emergency Food and Shelter Program, a division of The Emergency Food
and Shelter National Board Program, is now open, and Bulloch County has been
awarded funds from Phase 39, ARPAR, and Phase 40. The total amount of the
award is $116,274 (Phase 39: $21,870, Phase ARPAR: $67,594 and Phase 40:

Funds will be awarded to local service organizations that provide emergency
food and shelter programs. Distribution of funds for the aforementioned
jurisdiction will be determined by a local board that has the responsibility of
recommending agencies to receive funds for Phase 39, ARAP-R and Phase 40.
Applications are due Wednesday, November 29, 2022.

Under the terms of the grant from the National Board, local organizations chosen
to receive funds must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have non-profit status (501 c3)
  2. Maintain an accounting system
  3. Practice non-discrimination
  4. Demonstrate the capacity to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs
  5. Have a voluntary board (if the agency is a private voluntary organization)

If you are interested in applying, please contact Carey Cassedy at 912-489-8475
or ccassedy@unitedwaysega.org.

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