Crossroads Church hosts "Surviving the Holidays" a GriefShare event

Crossroads Community Church "SURVIVING THE HOLIDAYS" GriefShare seminar on Monday, November 15 from 6 pm to 8 pm, helps participants prepare for the holidays and even discover hope for the future.  

When you are grieving a loved one’s death, the holiday season can be especially painful. This program will help prepare you to manage your grief during this difficult time.  

The keynote speaker is Statesboro's Dudley Bradley Jr. who tragically lost his wife 15 months ago.  

You will hear how God is bringing him through the storms he has faced since his wife’s death.

Also they will have “GriefShare for Kids”, for children 5-12, and nursery available for 4 years and under. 


There will be Spanish translators on site.
(Habrá traductoras de español en el lugar.)

This is a FREE EVENT


Location: CrossRoads Community Church
23923 US Hwy 80 East – Statesboro, GA 30461

Need more information? Call: (912) 764-4539 

Sponsored by CrossRoads Community Church. 

There will be an optional booklet called “survival guide for the holidays” ($15) if you want to purchase it.


GriefShare is a support group that help people cope with grief.  GriefShare is a network of 15,000 plus churches worldwide equipped to offer grief support groups. You will find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an “oasis” on your long journey through grief.  There are three key parts to this 13 week program: 

Video seminar + Support group + Workbook.

Daniele Mixon

Led by Daniele Mixon. If you have questions you can reach Daniele at

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

The Class meets weekly for 13 weeks on Monday at 6 PM on the Crossroads Community Church campus.

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