Rising Tide Counseling to offer hope for those suffering with substance abuse and addiction

Cynthia Wheeler, pictured with husband Robert, is opening Rising Tide Counseling in Statesboro.

Rising Tide Counseling is a new substance abuse counseling clinic opening in Statesboro this February. Offering individual substance abuse counseling and help for families and loved ones who are suffering from substance abuse addiction, the clinic is owned by Cynthia and Robert Wheeler.

Cynthia was first brought to Statesboro by her family in 2008 to get treatment for alcohol addiction. That year, she fell in love with the Statesboro community and knew she wanted to stay in Georgia after treatment.

"I am a proud person in long-term recovery from substance abuse addiction since March 7th, 2009," she shared. "Today my husband Robert and I both offer recovery services. He owns a sober living house called Journey to Sober Living, which is for men who need a safe place to live while learning to live a sober lifestyle."

Cynthia Wheeler holds a BA in Criminal Justice from Georgia Southern University and is an NCAC I (Nationally Certified Addiction Counselor Level I through NAADAC) and CAC II (Certified Addiction Counselor Level II through GACA). She has now worked in the field of addiction for more than 10 years, and it has become her passion to see others recover as she did.

She says that she and Robert are both ready and willing to help the great community of Statesboro in any way they can, and they appreciate all the wonderful support they have received so far.

"There are many ways to achieve sobriety, and I am open to helping those who are struggling with the disease of addiction and alcoholism find their path. Please do not lose hope; there is a solution. I just want to be available when that one addict says I cannot live like this anymore. Hopefully they have had the seed planted so that they know they are not alone and there is help available."

Cynthia Wheeler

The grand opening of the Rising Tide Counseling office will be Friday, February 3 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. The office is located at 359 Savannah Avenue, and the event will feature a meet and greet, catered hors d'oeuvres, and information about the counseling practice's offerings. For more information, visit risingtidecounselingletgoorbedragged.com or call Cynthia at 912-314-6406.

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