Looking forward to Summer Camps at the Averitt

A message from the Averitt Center for the Arts regarding summer camps.


It is with much hope and anticipation that we at the Averitt Center look forward to a time when the coast is clear for us to congregate, mingle and enjoy each other’s physical company again.

One such place that is yearning for the sound of children is The Averitt Center for the Arts. Dance studios are empty, the potters’ wheels have stopped and the stages of the Emma Kelly and Whitaker Black Box theaters are silent. Crayons and paint brushes miss the grasp of little hands. Violins rest quietly in their cases. Pianos long for the touch of little fingers. The barres miss the smell of ballet slippers. Clay aches to be rolled into shapes again.

On March 16, the City of Statesboro directed the Averitt Center to halt public gatherings for eight weeks in an attempt to slow the potential spread of the Coronavirus in Statesboro. The Averitt team set about postponing and/or cancelling events from that date until after May 11, which is optimistically the first date when public gatherings can again take place. But, with the virus tightening its grip across Georgia, it became more of a reality that this date was not realistic. So, with much anxiety, the Averitt team set about work to reschedule events into June.

Monday, June 1 is currently the opening date for our annual array of Averitt Center Summer Art Camps. During the nine weeks of summer, there are 37 camps for children ranging from three-year old dancers to 18-year old thespians.

Some of the summer offerings are: Little Swans Dance camp, Lego Adventure Camp, Ukulele Camp, Beauty 101 Camp, Clay Academy Camp, Musical Theater Dance Camp, Camp 9 ¾, Guitar Camp, Photo Fun Camp, Let’s Get Muddy Camp, Mythical Creatures Camp, Splish Splash Art Camp and many more.

Registration is underway for this annual program, sponsored by Synovus, which provides kids from ages 3 to 18 with the opportunity to be creative, have fun, meet new friends and start or continue a life-long love of the arts. This year, campers who register and pay on-line will receive a FREE summer camp t-shirt.

Week-long full-day or half-day camps are available in the areas of dance, theater, music and visual arts. Campers can be dropped off at the Averitt Center as early as 7:30 a.m. and stay as late as 6:30 p.m. with the Early Care and Late Care program. Tuition is $100 for half-day camps ($75 for members) and $150 for full-day camps ($125 for members). Late registration fees apply. Scholarships are available.

There are also Drop-In classes for Ballet and Modern Dance every Monday at dance studios at 41 West Main Center for Performing Arts.

Due to safety concerns, each camp will have a very limited number of participants. Visit the Averitt Center website for full camp descriptions and to register and get ready to spend the summer with us!

Click here to Register for Summer Camps at the Averitt

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