Brandi Harvey Opens the 2019-2020 ONE Series Friday

Brandi Harvey opens the Averitt’s ONE series for the season.  Her show will be on November 8 at 7:30 pm in the Emma Kelly Theater.  A reception will be held in the Main Gallery after her performance and her debut solo album “Reckless” will be available for purchase.

Originally scheduled for the Whitaker Black Box the Averitt staff moved it to the larger venue of the Emma Kelly because of strong early ticket sales.  Get your tickets now!  This is a show you will not want to miss.  Brandi never disappointing and always leavers her audiences wanting more.

Know as “The Sound of Downtown”, Brandi Harvey has been tour de force in the Southeast music scene. With a passion for celebrating local musical talent, she has co-produced  the Rising Creek Music Series, written for a variety of publications including Discovering Bulloch magazine, and collaborated on numerous performance and recording projects. She is set to release her debut solo album at the end of the year. The album promises to showcase her versatility as a singer/songwriter. Her performance in One will be a preview of the album and a glimpse into her life as a single mother, writer, and performer.

Tickets: $15 • Students: $10 | Emma Kelly Theater

Sponsored by: Brinson, Williams and Groomes

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