Barefoot Comedy Returns to Emma Kelly Theater with Mike Speenberg

Barefoot Comedy returns to the Statesboro Averitt Center on November 5 at 8 p.m. at the Emma Kelly Theater. Comedian Mike Speenberg, whose live shows have been described as a perfect blend of Jeff Foxworthy and Denis Leary, is the featured comedian for the night.

For more about Speenberg, read below:

Raised on hush puppies and fried bologna, Mike Speenberg has taken his own unique brand of generational comedy all over the country. Fueled by stories of home and family, love of country, and being drunk in public, Speenberg's comedy hits home with everyone of us who have lived through crazy step-parents, above ground pool parties, and square pizza with canned corn.

Mike has traveled everywhere from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to Baghdad, Iraq on numerous occasions to perform for the men and women of the United States Military.  In 2014, he was also a National Semi Finalist in Comedy Central's "UP NEXT" Comedy Competition. Creative Loafing has called him "the Cynical Voice of His Generation".

Barefoot Comedy: Mike Speenberg is sponsored by 180 Fitness and Empowher by 180 Fitness

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